Faculty of Environment awards

The Faculty of Environment's annual awards recognize faculty and staff for their committment and excellence in teaching, research and service. The awards showcase how our people embody an ethos of caring in all that we do and our committment to being a culture that supports and celebrates educational excellence. 

Congratulations to the 2023 winners

Mike Wood

Faculty Teaching Award

Dr. Michael Wood is the associate dean of work-integrated learning in the Faculty of Environment and a continuing lecturer in the School of Environment, Enterprise and Development (SEED) at the University of Waterloo. Holding a Ph.D. in strategy and sustainability from the Ivey Business School at Western University, his research explores organizational responses to sustainability issues across various sectors, including insurance, mining, carbon management, and global security.

Wood is recognized for his exemplary teaching, known for his innovative course design and multidisciplinary approach. His leadership extends beyond the classroom to university-wide initiatives, where he advocates for enhancing student educational experiences. As the leader of environment’s student petitions committee, Wood demonstrates humanity, integrity, and diplomacy, ensuring fair accommodations while maintaining academic integrity. 

Carrie Mitchell

Faculty Teaching Award

Dr. Carrie Mitchell is the associate director of Undergraduate Studies and an associate professor in the School of Planning at the University of Waterloo. She is a renowned specialist in urban environmental management, focusing on waste, water, and sanitation, as well as climate change adaptation and urban resilience. With over 20 years of experience, Mitchell has collaborated with diverse stakeholders, including academics, policy makers, private sector entities, civil society, donors, and development partners.

Mitchell completed her Ph.D. in geography at the University of Toronto and worked as a senior program officer at Canada’s International Development Research Centre (IDRC), where she managed projects on climate change adaptation in South and Southeast Asia. Her current research addresses urban services provision and resilience planning, making significant contributions to the field. Since joining the University of Waterloo in 2013, she has taught approximately 1900 students, earning consistently high student course perception scores.

Komal Habib

Faculty Research Award

Dr. Komal Habib is a distinguished associate professor in the School of Environment, Enterprise and Development (SEED). As one of the few industrial ecologists in Canada focusing on resource criticality assessment, she has significantly advanced this nascent field. Her prolific research output includes 28 journal articles in top-tier international journals, with an h-index of 21 and over 1850 citations, reflecting her high research productivity early in her career. Globally recognized for her expertise in mapping and tracking critical metals, she is a sought-after speaker at international conferences across Denmark, Greece, Japan, and the USA. She collaborates extensively as co-PI and collaborator on numerous projects in Canada and Europe, and her research is highly cited globally, with 421 citations in 2023 alone.

Currently, her research aids e-waste companies in Ontario in optimizing resource efficiency. She conducted the first detailed material flow analysis of NdFeB magnets in Denmark, contributing to the Danish strategy for securing critical raw materials. Her methodological framework for raw materials criticality assessment, applied to wind turbine technology, has been integrated into the operational strategy of a leading EU wind turbine manufacturer.

Johanna Wandel

Faculty Service Award

Dr. Johanna Wandel is associate professor and Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies (ADUG) in the Faculty of Environment. In her capacity as ADUG, Wandel oversees admissions, student transitions, engagement activities, calendaring software transitions, and exchange agreements. She plays a crucial role in selecting students for faculty-wide scholarships, managing teaching assignments, and ensuring the smooth operation of the undergraduate curriculum. Johanna also serves on multiple committees, contributing to the development of undergraduate policies and curriculum changes.

Her contributions extend beyond the faculty level, having served on the FTPC for Science, co-chaired the Digital Learning Strategy Working Group, and participated in multiple terms on the University Senate. Johanna has been actively involved in FAUW, serving on the executive and representing the association in various committees. Her commitment to sustainability and academic integrity is evident through her involvement in the New Technologies, Pedagogies, and Academic Integrities standing committee, the University Appointments Review Committee, and the Sustainability Curriculum Integration Working Group.

 Susie Castela

Staff Service Award

Susie Castela is an administrative manager in the department of Geography and Environmental Management (GEM) with 25 years of supporting faculty, staff, and students. Managing over 50% of the research funding in Environment, Susie is a key resource for faculty navigating university policies and procedures. Her ability to address process-related issues, document guidance, and share tools with colleagues across departments ensures efficiency and informed practice within the faculty. Susie's contributions include creating onboarding documentation for new faculty and developing calculation tools for student hires in Workday.

Castela's institutional knowledge makes her a valuable committee member, such as her recent involvement in the Faculty Lifecycle Information System project. Her support during leadership transitions in GEM, assisting with faculty hires, tenure and promotion, performance reviews, and budget submissions, has been crucial. Known for her kindness and empathy, Castela offers unwavering support to her colleagues, demonstrated by her compassionate response during personal hardships. She also advocates for her staff, successfully ensuring their roles are recognized and compensated appropriately.

Tara Charlton

Staff Service Award

Tara Charlton is a dedicated and experienced leader within the Faculty of Environment, currently serving as the interim executive officer. With a career spanning over a decade, Charlton has played a crucial role in shaping the faculty financially and operationally, always prioritizing the faculty's best interests with an ethos of caring.

Her tenure in the Dean of Environment office began as the Faculty Financial Officer from October 2016 to October 2022, where she was responsible for financial budgeting, planning, oversight, and controls. Her expertise ensured the faculty's financial stability and growth. Prior to this, she served as the Faculty Financial Officer (Research) in the Dean of Arts Office, overseeing research compliance, training, and special projects, including financial oversight for the Balsillie School and Stratford Campus.

Nomination process

It is the responsibility of the Faculty of Environment faculty and staff to nominate potential candidates for the award. They will be notified when to submit their nominations to the Faculty Awards Committee.


Teaching Award Research Award Service Award - Faculty Member Service Award - Staff Member
Excellence in teaching, mentorship or educational development (35%) Quality and quantity of research output (30%) Leadership in building the university, Faculty or unit (40%) Leadership in building the university, Faculty or unit (40%)
Positive impact on students or on education more broadly (35%) Recognitions and evidence of impact/standing within the academy (30%) Impact of service contributions, defined broadly (20%) Impact of service contributions, defined broadly (20%)
Creation of an environment conducive to learning (15%) Impact through knowledge mobilization and activities external to the academy (25%) Diversity of service contributions (20%) Diversity of service contributions (20%)
Innovation in teaching (15%) Active participation as an academic citizen (e.g., refereeing, external examiner) (15%) An ethos of caring in carrying out service duties (20%) An ethos of caring in carrying out service duties (20%)

The awards are:

  • Awarded annually to recognize faculty and staff of the Faculty of Environment
  • Based on recommendations to the Dean by a Faculty Awards Committee
  • In addition to the “research excellence award” that is currently awarded each year to an early-career (pre-tenure) faculty member

Selection committee membership (5 in total):

2 faculty members including:

  • One Faculty of Environment representative who serves on the University of Waterloo Awards Committee
  • One previous winner of University of Waterloo’s Distinguished Teacher Award, elected, two-year term

2 staff members:

  • one from Faculty-level offices/units, elected, two-year term
  • one from the academic units, elected, two-year term 

1 student in alternate years from:

  • the Environment Student Society
  • the Environment Graduate Student Association or the Graduate Planning Association

Selection committee responsibilities: 

  • To encourage the submission of high-quality nominations of Environment faculty and staff for both internal and external awards and honorific titles, and to do so through an equity, diversity and inclusivity lens
  • To evaluate annual nominations for Faculty of Environment awards for faculty and staff in the areas of teaching, research and service, and make recommendations to the Dean of the Faculty with regards to the winning nomination in each category.

2023 Award Recipients

Faculty Research

Simron Singh
Dr. Simron Singh

Faculty Service

Su-Yin Tan
Dr. Su-Yin Tan

Faculty Teaching

Cameron McCordic
Dr. Cameron McCordic

Staff Service

Neil Carnegie
Neil Carnegie

Staff Service

Sheree Solomon
Sheree Solomon