Departments, schools, and support units

With multiple one-of-a-kind programs as well as traditional academic departments and schools, the Faculty of Environment truly offers environmental education from all angles.

As we move forward, we will embrace the complexity of the issues we study in order to educate graduates who will have the critical thinking, creative problem-solving, and collaborative skills to be effective contributors to building a sustainable future for humanity.

Departments and schools

Future students, learn more about the variety of undergraduate programs and postgraduate/professional development programs.

Support units

As a student, professor, or staff member in the Faculty of Environment, you have access to a wide variety of equipment, facilities, and services. Be sure to take advantage of these resources to excel in your classes, field trips, research projects, and other academic or career endeavours.

Environment Technology & Instructional Support (ETIS)


  • computing equipment and support
  • geospatial support
  • workshop and makerspace
  • website, servers, and storage

Ecology Lab


  • analysis
  • course support
  • collections and specimens
  • equipment and book loans
  • outreach

green office gold certified logo

The Dean's Office is a proud participant of the Green Office program at the University of Waterloo and a recipient of the Gold certification.