Q&A with the experts: Implications and opportunities for an energy transition
IC3 member, Professor Imre Szeman of the department of Communication Arts answers our questions about COVID-19 and climate change.
IC3 member, Professor Imre Szeman of the department of Communication Arts answers our questions about COVID-19 and climate change.
Climate change poses significant threats to global food security. In this interview with IC3 member, Professor Warren Dodd from the School of Public Health and Health Systems, he answers our questions about how the current pandemic is further exacerbating these issues around the world.
Congratulations to IC3 member Professor Marie-Claire Cordonier Segger, Long Standing International Law Association Board Member, Laureate of the prestigious new Weeramantry International Justice Award.
IC3 member and research scientist at Environment and Climate Change Canada, Chris Derksen, is featured in a recent CBC article about the impacts of climate change on annual snowfall. Derksen shares his expertise on using satellites to measure snow mass. Read the CBC article for full details.
IC3's Executive Director, Daniel Scott, IC3 members, Daniel Henstra and Jason Thistlethewaite, and manager of Waterloo's Climate Risk Research Group, Andrea Minano, release new policy brief for the Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI): Indigenous Reserve Lands Face High Flood Risk.
IC3 member and climate expert, Juan Moreno-Cruz, discusses climate change during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The original article is featured in Waterloo Stories.
COVID-19 has rightly dominated our collective global attention in 2020. We’re inundated with a steady stream of information (and in some cases, disinformation) on how we are managing through this crisis.
IC3 member, Angela Carter, is an Associate Professor in Political Science and part of the Corporate Mapping Project, a research and public engagement project investigating the power and influence of the fossil fuel industry. Carter shares her climate change expertise in a recent article commenting on Canada's role in subsidizing the oil and gas industries during COVID-19.
Read the article by Angela Carter from March 26th, 2020.
IC3 member, Daniel Henstra, is an Associate Professor in Political Science and co-lead of the Climate Risk Research Group. Henstra was recently featured in Canada's National Obsevrer sharing his experitise on flood risk and emergency preparedness in light of COVID-19 circumstances.
Read the article in Canada's National Observer from March 20th, 2020.
IC3 member, Christine Dow, is featured in the Faculty of Environment's recent issue of ENVISION (ISSUE 5: TOGETHER FOR A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE).
The original article and photo are available on Waterloo News.