Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) for Cut Cells

Paper 1: H. Ji, F.S. Lien, E. Yee (2008), “A New Cartesian Grid Method with Adaptive Mesh Refinement for Degenerate Cut Cells on Moving Boundaries”, Proc. 5th Int. Conf. On Computational Fluid Dynamics, 7-11 July 2008, Seoul, Korea.

Paper 2: H. Ji, F.S. Lien, E. Yee (2010), “A New Adaptive Mesh Refinement Data Structure with an Application to Detonation”, Journal of Computational Physics, Vol. 229, pp. 8981-8993.

Paper 3: H. Ji, F.S. Lien, E. Yee (2010), “Numerical Simulation of Detonation Using an Adaptive Cartesian Cut-Cell Method Combined with a Cell-Merging Technique”, Computers & Fluids, Vol. 39, pp. 1041-1057.

Representation and tracking of an irregular moving boundary

Representation and tracking of an irregular moving boundary

Computing geometric properties of a cut-cell

Computing geometric properties of a cut-cell

Discretization of gradient fluxes 

Discretization of gradient fluxes

Gradient fluxes at faces of a cell

Gradient fluxes at faces of a cell

Gradient flux between regular cut-cells 

Gradient flux between regular cut-cells

Gradient flux between degenerate cut-cells

Gradient flux between degenerate cut-cells

 Gradient fluxes at different refinement level

Gradient fluxes at different refinement level

Gradient fluxes between Cartesian and cut cells

Gradient fluxes between Cartesian and cut cells

Gradient fluxes between Cartesian and split cells

Gradient fluxes between Cartesian and split cells

Gradient fluxes at boundary

Gradient fluxes at boundary
Gradient fluxes at boundary

Moving boundary 

Moving boundary



FTT data structure for AMR

FTT data structure for AMR

 Example 1: a circle (l=k=3)

Example 1: a circle (l=k=3)

Error norm & MG convergence

Error norm & MG convergence
Error norm & MG convergence

Example 2: moving boundary

Example 2: moving boundary
Example 2: moving boundary
Example 2: moving boundary