Director: Fue-Sang Lien
Prof. Lien has 30 years of experience developing and systematically applying Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) to a wide range of fluid mechanics and multi-physics problems, such as wind energy, urban flow and dispersion modeling, aerodynamics, aeroacoustics and aero-elasticity. His current research interests in wind energy include wind turbine wakes, wake-induced fatigue analysis, wind turbine pitch control, wind turbine noise prediction/reduction, micro-siting of a wind farm and AI-based wind power forecasting.
Professor Lien is a member of IMMERSE – The Research Network for Video Game Immersion. His expertise lies in using simulations in virtual worlds to train first responders in response to chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosive (CBRNE) catastrophic events, and is interested in working on improving the learning experience by employing serious game technologies. This is a significant achievement because this modeling system provides a new, unique comprehensive operational capability in Canada to support CBRNE response planning and response for civilian operations (both domestically and internationally). Future customers of the web-based wind energy software WATWindTM, currently in development, include Prof. Lien’s connections and collaborations with wind power companies and related research institutes in Canada, China and Taiwan.

Associate Director: Eugene Yee
Prof. Yee’s research areas encompass both fundamental and applied research, including experimental investigations and stochastic modeling of turbulence and turbulent diffusion phenomena in the atmosphere, experimental and computational modeling/methods related to urban flow and dispersion, and application of Bayesian inference for sensor/model data fusion in the context of source reconstruction.
Prof. Yee has published more than 160 papers in refereed conferences and journals and authored over 60 peer-reviewed technical reports. He is recipient of four technical achievement awards from The Technical Cooperation Programme (international organization that collaborates in defence scientific and technical information exchange headquartered in Washington DC) for important contributions to dense gas modeling, urban model and database development, and chemical and biological sensor data fusion methodologies. He received the NATO Research and Technology Organization award for Best Technical Paper presented at a NATO symposium on “How is Modeling and Simulation Meeting the Defence Challenges Out to 2015?”. He served as an expert member of the American Meteorological Society Committee on Meteorological Aspects of Air Pollution. He served as a scientific advisor and consultant to a number of branches within the Department of National Defence and other federal government agencies (both nationally and internationally) on toxic gas and aerosol consequence assessment.

PhD students
Hsuan-Han Huang
Jihyoung Yi
Li-Hsin Chen
Jialin Wang
MASc students
Nikhila Kalia
Visiting Scholars
Prof. Huifen Zou
Former Students and Visitors (past 6 years)
- Ying Wu (PhD student)
- Zhi Cheng (PhD student)
- Yitian Xing (PhD student)
- Hasan Mrayeh (PhD student)
- Huangrui Mo (PhD student)
- Yitian Xing (PhD student)
- Jianyu Chen (PhD student)
- Khalid Noah (PhD student)
- Hang Meng (PhD student)
- Gebreel, Abdalrahman (PhD student)
- Ali Abdulkadhim (PhD student)
- Andrew Buckrell (PhD student)
- Qiulan Zheng (PhD student)
- Ping Ma (PhD student)
- Chenguang Li (post-doctorate)
- Ji Hao Zhang (MASc student)
- Matthew Cann (MASc student)
- Xin Liu (MASc student)
- Paul Geiger (MASc student)
- Dafu Deng (MASc student)
- Guang Chen (visiting student)
- Lijuan Gao (visiting student)
- Jingxiang Ma (visiting scholar)
- Jingfang Shen (visiting scholar)
- Yuxin Fan (visiting scholar)
- Jinhua Zhang (visiting scholar)