Wind Power Forecasting
Paper 1: Z. Men, E. Yee, F.S. Lien, D. Wen, Y. Chen (2016), "Short-Term Wind Speed and Power Forecasting Using an Ensemble of Mixture Density Neural Networks", Renewable Energy, Vol. 87, pp. 203-211.
Paper 2: Z. Men, E. Yee, F.S. Lien, H. Ji and Y. Liu (2014), “Bootstrapped Multi-Model Neural-Network Super-Ensembles for Wind Speed and Power Forecasting”, Energy and Power Engineering, Vol. 6, pp. 340-34.
Wind farm in Taiwan

WRF (Weather Research and Forecasting) domains

Domain 1 (45 km)

Domain 3 (5 km) and Domain 4 (1.67 m)

Forecast period: 12:00:00 Sept. 16 to 12:00:00 Sept. 28, 2013.
- GFS/FNL data forcing.
- 48-hour simulation.
- 6 hour spinup.
- Cold start once at the 06 UTC time every day.
GFS: Global Forecast System (NOAA NCEP NWP System)
FNL : "Final" analysis - part of the Global Data Assimilation System