Andre Unger

Associate Professor, Department of Earth Sciences and Environmental Sciences

Contact information
Office: EIT 2051C
Phone: 519-888-4567 ext.37235 (office); 519-404-1984 (mobile)

Research Summary

Professor Unger is focused both on applied and research topics associated with numerical methods in multi-phase compositional flow in discretely fractured porous media systems. His interests extend to developing control volume finite-difference algorithms to simulate reactive phase-flow and advective-dispersive-transport within these systems, as well as numerical linear algebra strategies for object-orientated OpenMP domain-decomposition-based solutions of large sparse matrices derived from these classes of problems.

COMPHYS Research

  • Applications
    • Three-phase flow in discretely fracture porous rock
    • Biodegradation of gasoline compounds in the subsurface
  • Foundations
    • Simulation of mass transport as a physiological process in human organs
  • Data
    • Artificial intelligence and pharmaceutical dosing