45. If I have permission to put something on one of Waterloo's learning management systems (such as LEARN), does this mean I may also include it in my courseware?
29. Is there any difference between posting something on my own website versus posting something on one of Waterloo's learning management systems (such as LEARN)?
22. May I include links to videos from a free platform such as YouTube or Vimeo, or embed the videos on a learning management system such as LEARN?
21. May I post copies of copyright-protected works to a learning management system such as LEARN or email copies to students enrolled in my courses?
20. May I upload a PDF of a journal article I obtained through the Library’s e-journals to a learning management system such as LEARN for my students to read?
19. May I scan a print journal article or a book chapter into a PDF and post the file on a learning management system such as LEARN?
18. May I post examples of my students’ work on my course shell on a learning management system such as LEARN, or on my personal website?
26. May I post presentation slides that include images, figures, tables, and/or diagrams from third-party sources on a learning management system such as LEARN?
25. May I provide a link to an electronic journal article on a learning management system such as LEARN, instead of supplying that article using Course Reserves?