Wednesday, November 15, 2017
Thirty-three University of Waterloo researchers will receive $4.8 million to advance research and encourage partnerships that will lead to innovative approaches that improve the well-being of Canadians.
The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) is awarding the funding through Insight Grants, Insight Development Grants, and Partnership Development Grants.
The federal government awarded funds to the following Waterloo researchers and projects:
Insight Grants
Applied Health Sciences
- Peter Hall (Department of Kinesiology): Normative influences on eating through the lens of social neuroscience ($276,372)
- Katie Misener (Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies): New directions for capacity research: Social impact capacity in nonprofit sport management ($120,959)
- Kelly Skinner (School of Public Health and Health Systems): Culture, resiliency, and prosperity: Transitioning from food security to food sovereignty and the role of relocation and migration on traditional and market-based food consumption ($308,125)
- Ramona Bobocel (Department of Psychology): Expanding the scope of organization justice research: The role of construal ($229,250)
- Altay Coskun (Department of Classical Studies): Ethnic identities and diplomatic affiliations of the Bosporan Kingdom ($166,708)
- Nicolas Gauthier (Department of French Studies): Le rez-de-chaussée: Répertoire en ligne du roman-feuilleton français au XIXe siècle ($122,775)
- Allison Kelly (Department of Psychology): From competition to caregiving: A novel strategy to reduce appearance comparisons and body dissatisfaction ($133,302)
- Ann Marie Rasmussen (Department of Germanic and Slavic Studies): Visual communication and community formation in the middle ages: Medieval badges ($279,845)
- Uzma Rehman (Department of Psychology): Examining sexual communication through the process model of emotion regulation ($134,500)
- Sharon Roberts (Social Development Studies, Renison University College): Fantasy, (trans) identity, and stigma: A cross-cultural examination of the functionality of fantasy ($259,685)
- John Sbardellati (Department of History): A double-edged sword: Confronting the colour line in American Cold War culture ($73,883)
- Abigail Scholer (Department of Psychology): Metamotivation: Antecedents and consequences of flexibly regulating motivation ($182,376)
- Winfried Siemerling (Department of English Language and Literature): Call and responsibility: The transformative reception aesthetics of black Canadian literature, film, and music ($107,876)
- Neil Craik (School of Environment, Enterprise and Development): The international law of commons: Towards a global constitutional framework ($248,429)
- Goretty Dias (School of Environment, Enterprise and Development): Peak population and future Canadian food requirements: Implications for human nutrition and earth's carrying capacity ($309,640)
- Robert Feick (School of Planning): Citizen-generated geographic information and contested places: Enhancing citizen participation in community planning ($206,577)
- Bob Gibson (School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability): Application and enhancement of next generation environmental assessment ($148,314)
- Dan McCarthy (Waterloo Institute for Social Innovation and Resilience (WISIR)): Practicing reconciliation through teaching and research on Haida Gwaii: A collaborative research project ($349,340)
- Larry Swatuk (School of Environment, Enterprise and Development): Countering the boomerang effect: Examining climate change mitigation/adaptation pathways to security in South Africa ($134,056)
Insight Development Grants
- Jackie Feke (Department of Philosophy): Law and nature in ancient Greek mathematics ($58,198)
- Alysia Kolentsis (St. Jerome’s University – Department of English): Shakespeare's changing language: Early modern English and linguistic innovation ($20,940)
- Colin Macleod (Department of Psychology): Attention (and inattention) contagion in the classroom ($74,453)
- Susan Cadell (Renison – School of Social Work): Memorial tattoos: Inking the bond ($71,093)
- Arshi Shaikh (Renison – Social Development Studies): Animal hoarding: Perspectives of individuals who hoard animals and their family members ($46,178)
- Winfried Siemerling (Department of English Language and Literature): Nonsimultaneity and incomplete time: From Bloch, Benjamin, and the Frankfurt School to Contemporary Black Critique ($43,874)
- Jessica Thompson (Department of Fine Arts): Borderline ($30,765)
- Jennifer Whitson (Department of Sociology and Legal Studies): Technology, surveillance and selective exposure: The Paradox of social media and queer activism ($54,199)
- Derek Armitage (School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability): Small fish, big problems: Analyzing the human dimensions of forage fisheries ($71,716)
- Daniel Cockayne (Department of Geography and Environmental Management): Entrepreneurial education and startup economies ($55,560)
- Carrie Mitchell (School of Planning): The process and politics of planning for resilience in Canadian cities ($65,518)
- Nada Basir (Conrad Business, Entrepreneurship and Technology Centre): Incubating for social impact: Entrepreneurship amidst shifts in institutional logics ($50,242)
Partnership Development Grants
- Susan Roy (Department of History): Ayamoowin ijwa paapoowin - Songs in the key of Cree - Laughter and language revitalization in Canada ($200,000)
- Lola Sheppard (School of Architecture): Renewing Newfoundland's outports: Architecture as catalyst ($176,950)