Fourteen University of Waterloo researchers have been named new or renewing Canada Research Chairs (CRC).
The Honourable Kirsty Duncan, Minister of Science and Sport, made the announcement of new and renewed Canada Research Chairs at the University of Victoria today. Over $275 million will support 346 Canada Research Chairs deemed world-class scientists and scholars.
Additional funding was awarded through the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) John R. Evans Leaders Fund. Professor Evan Risko will receive an additional $45,000 to establish an immersive and psychophysiological testing suite.
Waterloo’s Canada Research Chairs named in the announcement are:
Applied Health Sciences
Jack Callaghan (Kinesiology) – NSERC Tier 1 Renewal: Spine Biomechanics and Injury Prevention ($1.4 million over seven years)
Clark Dickerson (Kinesiology) - NSERC Tier 2 Renewal: Shoulder Mechanics ($500,000 over five years)
Evan Risko (Psychology) – NSERC Tier 2 Renewal: Embodied and Embedded Cognition ($500,000 over five years)
Dillon Browne (Psychology) - SSHRC Tier 2 New: Child and Family Clinical Psychology ($500,000 over five years)
Hossein Abouee Mehrizi (Management Sciences) – CIHR Tier 2 Renewal: Health Care Analytics ($500,000 over five years)
Dongpu Cao (Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering) - NSERC Tier 2 New: Driver Cognition and Automated Driving ($500,000 over five years)
Michael Fowler (Chemical Engineering) – NSERC Tier 1 New: Zero Emission Vehicles and Hydrogen Energy Systems ($1.4 million over seven years)
Sriram Narasimhan (Civil and Environmental Engineering) - NSERC Tier 2 Renewal: Smart Infrastructure ($500,000 over five years)
Zhou Wang (Electrical Computer Engineering) – NSERC Tier 1 New: Multimedia Quality-of-Experience ($1.4 million over seven years)
Jennifer Clapp (School of Environment, Resources, and Sustainability) - SSHRC Tier 1 Renewal: Global Food Security and Sustainability ($1.4 million over seven years)
Brian Kendell (Earth and Environmental Sciences) - NSERC Tier 2 New: Redox-Sensitive Metal Isotope Geochemistry ($500,000 over five years)
Juan Moreno-Cruz (School of Environment, Enterprise, and Development) – SSHRC Tier 2 New: Energy Transitions ($500,000 over five years)
Ian Goldberg (Cheriton School of Computer Science) - NSERC Tier 1: Privacy Enhancing Technologies ($1.4 million over seven years)
Brian Dixon (Biology) – NSERC Tier 1 Renewal: Fish and Environmental Immunology ($1.4 million over seven years)