Brandon Sweet
University Communications
Volunteer to help students move in this fall
A message from Campus Housing.
While we have recently confirmed our class of incoming first-year students for September 2024, Campus Housing is already preparing for fall move-in and is looking for eager staff, faculty, students, and alumni who want to welcome students to their new home on campus.
We are looking to fill over 600 volunteer shifts to support move-in. Your support would make a big difference for our new students!
Move-in volunteer details
Campus Housing move-in will take place between Thursday, August 29 and Sunday, September 1, 2024. Volunteer for a few hours or as many shifts as you’d like! You can view roles and shifts on the volunteer sign-up form.
Tip: Toggle on “hide shifts that are full” to see what's still available
Questions can be directed to movein@uwaterloo.ca.
Highlights for volunteers
There are many ways to support move-in; from helping students navigate campus, to welcoming students and families in parking lots, to supporting students with belongings . If you sign up as a general volunteer, you can let the team lead know how you are most comfortable supporting the event.
Don’t want to volunteer alone? Sign up with a friend or even a group as a team-building activity.
New this year: every parking lot will have a Campus Housing staff member in a team lead role to ensure every volunteer is supported throughout the process.
Associate Vice-President, Academic's term extended for one year
By Kathy Smidt.
In a recent memo to the University’s leadership team, Vice-President, Academic and Provost, Dr. James Rush announced that he extended the appointment of Dr. David DeVidi as Associate Vice-President, Academic for one year. This extension will begin on July 1, 2024, after which he will be eligible for a second term following a review process.
With the end of Dr. DeVidi’s first term approaching on June 30, 2024, this extension will provide the opportunity to do a thorough review of the portfolio while maintaining the momentum of several projects that are underway.
Dr. DeVidi has spearheaded important strategic initiatives over his term that have been successfully completed. Others are at key stages of development, including the review of the various teaching and learning supports on campus for alignment and effectiveness, implementation of the recommendations of the Credentials Framework Project and the Digital Learning Strategy, continuing and new projects within the Teaching Innovation Incubator, and facilitation of accessibility improvements across the institution as co-chair of the Disability Inclusion Steering Committee (DISCo).
“I look forward to continuing to work with Dr. DeVidi as these projects progress under his direction,” the Provost writes. “Please join me in congratulating Dave on his extended appointment as AVP, Academic.”
Board considers incidental fees, values, and capital projects today
The University's Board of Governors has its June meeting today at 1:30 p.m. in NH 3407 and on Zoom. Among the agenda items:
A motion to endorse imperatives and values for the University of Waterloo as follows:
- Uphold Waterloo’s leadership and excellence in education, scholarship, innovation and entrepreneurship
- Ensure the physical and mental health and well-being of our students and employees
- Embrace decolonization, Indigenization, inclusivity, equity, and antiracism
- Co-ordinate across disciplinary and organizational boundaries
- Think Differently – we are unconventional | we are bold | we are innovative
- Act With Purpose – we drive positive impact | we are responsible | we get things done
- Work Together - we are collaborative | we value community | we are “one Waterloo”
From the Building & Properties Committee, a number of motions relating to upcoming and ongoing capital projects:
That, on the recommendation of the Building & Properties Committee, the Board of Governors accept and approve:
- That university administration be authorized to enter into any and all contracts required for the construction of the approved "Math 4" capital project at a total cost not exceeding the total project budget of $110,000,000;
- and that the Building & Properties Committee continue to receive quarterly updates on the status of the project; and
- that material changes to the design, construction, or budget of the project be brought through the regular approval channels of the Building & Properties Committee and Board of Governors, as appropriate.
That, on the recommendation of the Building & Properties Committee, the Board of Governors accept and approve:
- That an increase of $2,160,000 (4.29 per cent) to the total project budget for the “Waterloo Eye Institute” capital project be approved; and
- that University administration be authorized to enter into any and all additional contracts for the construction of the project at a total cost not exceeding the total revised project budget of $52.5 million; and
- that the Building & Properties Committee receive quarterly updates on the status of the project and;
- that material changes to the approved design, construction or budget of the project proceed through the regular approval channels of the Building & Properties Committee and Board of Governors, as appropriate.
That, on the recommendation of the Building & Properties Committee, the Board of Governors accept and approve:
- That a total project budget of $39 million for the “WaterFEL facility” capital project be approved; and
- the location for the project, as described in the siteplan concept, be approved; and
- that University administration be authorized to enter into any and all contracts for the construction of the project at a total cost not exceeding the total project budget of $39 million; and 23 of 111 Return to Agenda d) That the Building and Properties Committee receive quarterly updates on the status of the project; and
- that material changes to the approved design, construction or budget of the project proceed through the regular approval channels of the Building & Properties Committee and Board of Governors, as appropriate.
Originally, the WaterFEL facility, short for Waterloo Free Electron Laser facility, was part of a new building proposal called the Science Centre for Innovation (SCI) approved in 2018. The proposed location for the new facility is adjacent to the Research Advancement Centre (RAC) in the R+T Park.
From the Joint Report of Building & Properties Committee and Finance & Investment Committee:
That, on the recommendation of the Building & Properties Committee, the Board of Governors accept and approve:
- That university administration be authorized to enter into any and all contracts for the construction of the New Residence Building (NBR2026) capital project at a total cost not exceeding the total project budget of $130 million; and
- that the Building and Properties Committee receive quarterly updates on the status of the project; and c) That material changes to the approved design, construction or budget of the project proceed through the regular approval channels of the Building & Properties Committee and Board of Governors, as appropriate.
- That on the recommendation of the Finance & Investment Committee, the Board of Governors authorize the University to further proceed with negotiations with its selected financial institution for the purposes of securing external financing to fund the construction of the new residence building; and,
- that such authorization is executed in accordance with the University’s Debt Management Guideline and relevant University signing procedures; and, That negotiations will be executed as needed and reported back to the Finance Committee for information.
From the Governance Committee:
- A motion to approve the Terms of Reference for the proposed Community & Culture Committee.
According to its current terms of reference, the proposed Community & Culture Committee is "responsible for oversight of institutional initiatives, projects, plans and policies that impact the University’s culture, campus life, and student and employee experience." This committee would be "a standing committee of the Board of Governors and is established in accordance with the University of Waterloo Act, and Board of Governors By-law 1."
From the Pension & Benefits Committee:
- A motion to approve the filing of the pension plan's actuarial valuation report as at January 1, 2024 with the Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario (FSRA) and the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).
From the report of the Vice-President, Administration Finance:
- A motion to approve incidental fee changes effective Fall 2024.
From the Consent Agenda, a motion to approve faculty sabbaticals and administrative leaves.
Additionally, Dr. Vivek Goel will provide an update on the special meeting of Senate held on June 10, and a report on Institutional Priorities for 2024-25.
The full meeting agenda package can be found on the Secretariat's website.
A note on campus cooling, and other airings
"This week we are expecting extremely high temperatures and humidity," says a note from Plant Operations. "To help the campus conserve energy and cooling load please consider the following energy saving steps:"
- Keep curtains to windows closed;
- Avoid charging electronic devices (cell phones, tablets, etc.) in the afternoon; and
- Turn off lights and computers when not in use.
"If you have a window in your workspace, consider turning off the lights, only if it safe to do so," says Plant Operations.
Organizers of WatITis, the annual IT conference, have issued a call for proposals that is open until Friday, August 30.
"Submit your presentation proposal to the WatITis 2024 technology conference!" say the organizers. "Presentations, panels, workshops, and discussions are welcome on topics related to technology within the UW community."
For more information on submissions visit the WatITis call for proposals website.
Upcoming office closures
The Campus Housing Office in REV South will be closed for renovations from Thursday, June 13 to Tuesday, June 25. The team will still be available to answer inquiries by phone at 519-888-4567, ext. 42679 or by emailing housing@uwaterloo.ca.
The Centre for Teaching Excellence will be closed today for a staff Professional Development Day.
"From Targeting in Academia to Promoting Trust and Understanding" conference registration extended
Registration for the “From Targeting in Academia to Promoting Trust and Understanding” conference has been extended until June 18. The conference, which takes place on June 27 and June 28 at Federation Hall, will feature 48 local, national and international presenters. Conference registration includes two light breakfasts, two full lunches, refreshments, and snacks.
Link of the day
When and Where
The Student Health Pharmacy (located in the lower level of the Student Life Centre) is offering flu shots with no appointments needed daily from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Call 519-746-4500 or extension 33784 for more info. COVID shots will be available on appointment basis only. You can register online at studenthealthpharmacy.ca.
Warriors Youth Summer Camps. Basketball, Baseball, Football, Hockey, Multi-Sport and Volleyball. Register today!
Safeguarding Science workshop and more, throughout May and June. Public Safety Canada invites faculty, staff and students to attend a series of virtual event via MS Teams. Register to receive a link.
Food Truck Wednesday, Wednesday, May 8 to Wednesday, July 24, 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., Arts Quad.
Spring 2024 Student Experience Survey open, Sunday, June 2 to Friday, June 21.
WatITis 2024 call for proposals, Saturday, June 15 to Friday, August 30.
WISE Public Lecture, “Overview of Electricity Market Operation” by Dr. Hong Chen (Principal Engineer, PJM Interconnection ) and “Toward a Sustainable and Resilient Grid Transformation”Dr. Jay Liu (VP of Transformation, EXUS Management Partners)., Tuesday, June 18, 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., Centre for Environmental & Information Technology (EIT)), Room 3142., in-person and on Zoom. Register today!
Active Bystander Intervention Training for Staff and Faculty, Tuesday, June 18, 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m., online.
Board of Governors meeting, Tuesday, June 18, 1:30 p.m., NH 3407 and Zoom.
How to Disconnect from Work (for staff), Tuesday, June 18, 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m., online.
Knowledge Gathering and Sharing Consultation Sessions: 2STNBGNC+ employees (staff and faculty) with disabilities, Tuesday, June 18, 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., virtual. Register here.
Talking to Children about Consent, Wednesday, June 19, 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., online.
Knowledge Gathering and Sharing Consultation Sessions: 2STNBGNC+ employees (staff and faculty) with disabilities, Wednesday, June 19, 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., in-person. Register here.
A Trauma Informed Lunch and Learn: Supporting the campus communities on the 1 year Anniversary of June 28th, Wednesday, June 19, 12 noon, in-person. Register on Portal.
Subway Never Miss a Lunch, Thursday, June 20, Subway will donate $1 per cookie sold on June 20 to Food Banks Canada.
CPI Talk - Characterizing Machine Unlearning through Definitions and Implementations, Thursday, June 20, 10:30 a.m. to 12 noon, Arts Lecture Hall 113.
Bike Fair, Thursday, June 20, 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., Peter Russell Rock Garden. Please note the new location.
WaterTalk: Putting People at the Centre: Towards transforming climate risk assessment for water security and delivery, Thursday, June 20, 11:00 a.m. to 12 noon, DC 1302.
Queering Research: A Panel Discussion, Thursday, June 20, 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. EC5 1027. To register, please email your full name to researchoffice@uwaterloo.ca.
Exploring Turnitin’s Artificial Intelligence detection tool (CTE7545), Friday, June 21, 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m., online.
Menstrual Equity Project Reusable product distribution drop, Friday, June 21, 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., EC5 second floor.
Inclusive Menstruation: Understanding Trans Experiences, Friday, June 21, 12 noon to 1:00 p.m.
A Trauma Informed Lunch and Learn: Supporting the campus communities on the 1 year Anniversary of June 28th, Monday, June 24, 12 noon, online. Register on Portal.
How to Prepare a Strong SSHRC Insight or Insight Development Grant Application, Tuesday, June 25, 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m., virtual. Please register by June 18.
Knowledge Gathering and Sharing Consultation Sessions: 2STBNGBC+ employees (staff and faculty) who also identify as Black, Indigenous, or racialized,Tuesday, June 25, 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., virtual. Register here.
Knowledge Gathering and Sharing Consultation Sessions: 2STBNGBC+ employees (staff and faculty) who also identify as Black, Indigenous, or racialized, Wednesday, June 26, 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., in-person. Register here.
SCA Pride Zine Workshop, Wednesday, June 26, 4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., online. Register on the SCA website.
From Targeting in Academia to Promoting Trust and Understanding, Thursday, June 27 and Friday, June 28, Federation Hall.
Unlearning the Binary, Thursday, June 27, 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Canada Day holiday, Monday, July 1, most University operations and buildings closed.
Upcoming service interruptions
Stay up to date on service interruptions, campus construction, and other operational changes on the Plant Operations website. Upcoming service interruptions include:
- MC to QNC Pedestrian Bridge temporary closure, Monday, June 17 to Friday, September 27, no access to bridge between QNC to MC due to construction.
- Physics, Earth Science and Chemistry, Chemistry 2 fire alarm testing, Tuesday, June 18, 7:30 a.m. to 8:15 a.m., fire alarm will sound, building evacuation not required.
- Science Teaching Complex hot water maintenance, Tuesday, June 18, 8:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., no hot water in washrooms or kitchens during this time. Cold water will still be functional.
- School of Optometry, Columbia Icefield, University Daycare fire alarm testing, Wednesday, June 19, 7:30 a.m. to 8:15 a.m., fire alarm will sound, building evacuation not required.
- UWP-Eby Hall, UWP-Wellesley Court, UWP-Wilmot Court, Claudette Millar Hall fire alarm testing, Wednesday, June 19, 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m., fire alarm will sound, building evacuation not required.
- Biology 1 - south end by greenhouse crane operation, Thursday, June 20, partial closure of the main pathway for crane setup and operation. Pedestrian access will not be affected.
- NH 1st floor non-essential lighting and receptacles electrical shutdown, June 25, 5:30 a.m. to 7:00 a.m., electrical power will be terminated to most 1st floor lighting and receptacles.