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Mofetoluwa Adeyemi

Graduate student

Degree: PhD candidate

Supervisor: Jimmy Lin

Kerem Akillioglu

Graduate student
Location: DC 3301

Degree: Master’s candidate

Supervisor: M. Tamer Özsu

Link to personal webpage: Kerem Akillioglu

Solaiappan Alagappan

Graduate student
photo of Solaiappan Alagappan
Location: DC 3301

Degree: Master’s candidate

Supervisor: Maura R. Grossman

Link to personal webpage: Solaiappan Alagappan

Khaled Ammar

Graduate student
Location: DC 3314

Degree: PhD candidate

Supervisor: Tamer Özsu

Link to personal webpage: Khaled Ammar

Negar Arabzadah

Graduate student

Degree: PhD candidate
: Charles Clarke

Negar Arabzadehghahyazi

Graduate student
Location: DC 3301

Degree: PhD candidate

Supervisor: Charles Clarke

Omar Attia

Graduate student
photo of Omar Attia

Degree: Master’s candidate

Supervisor: Ihab Ilyas

Alternate email address:

Link to personal webpage: Omar Attia

Abhinav Bora

Graduate student

Degree: Master’s candidate

Supervisor: Lukasz Golab

Oluwaaseun Cardoso

Graduate student
Location: DC 2550

Degree: Master's candidate
Maura R. Grossman

Anurag Chakraborty

Graduate student
Location: DC 3301

Degree: Master’s candidate
Semih Salihoglu

Anup Chalamalla

Graduate student
519-888-4567, ext. 38394
Location: DC 3314

Degree: Master’s candidate

Supervisor: Ihab Ilyas

Link to personal webpage: Anup Chalamalla

Houmaan Chamani

Graduate student
Location: CPH 3626

Degree: Master's candidate
: Mark Smucker

Dahlia Chehata

Graduate student

Degree: Master’s candidate

Supervisor: Charles Clarke

Arman Davoodi

Graduate student

Degree: Master’s candidate

Supervisor: M. Tamer Özsu

Xiyang Fang

Graduate student

Degree: Master’s candidate

Supervisor: Semih Salihoglu

Lasantha Fernando

Graduate student
photo of Lasantha Fernando

Degree: PhD candidate

Supervisor: Khuzaima Daudjee

Link to personal webpage: Lasantha Fernando

Kamyar Ghajar

Graduate student
photo of Kamyar Ghajar
Location: DC 3301

Degree: PhD candidate

Supervisors: Charles Clarke and Mark Smucker

Link to personal webpage: Kamyar Ghajar

Shadi Ghasemitaheri

Graduate student
Location: DC 3301

Degree: Master’s candidate

Supervisor: Lukasz Golab

Link to personal webpage: Shadi Ghasemitaheri

Runsheng (Benson) Guo

Graduate student
photo of Runsheng (Benson) Guo
Location: DC 3301

Degree: PhD candidate

Supervisor: Khuzaima Daudjee 

Link to personal webpage: Runsheng (Benson) Guo

Enamul Haque

Graduate student
photo of Enamul Haque
Location: DC 3301

Degree: PhD candidate

Supervisors: Grant Weddell and David Toman

Link to personal webpage: Enamul Haque

Liam Hebert

Graduate student
photo of Liam Hebert

Degree: Master’s candidate

Supervisors: Robin Cohen and Lukasz Golab

Siqing Huo

Graduate student

Degree: Master’s candidate

Supervisor: Charles Clarke

Siqing Huo

Graduate student
Location: DC 3301

Degree: Master's candidate
Charlie Clarke

Xiangru Jian

Graduate student
Location: DC 3301

Degree: PhD candidate
Tamer Özsu

Alexey Karyakin

Graduate student
519-888-4567, ext. 38333
Location: DC 2531

Degree: PhD candidate
: Ken Salem

Tejasvi Kashi

Graduate student
Location: DC 3301

Degree: Master’s candidate

Supervisor: Ken Salem

Besat Kassaie

Graduate student
Location: DC 3301

Degree: PhD candidate

Supervisor: Frank Tompa

Kriti Kathuria

Graduate student
photo of Kriti Kathuria

Degree: Master’s candidate

Supervisor: Ken Salem

Link to personal webpage: Kriti Kathuria

Taras Kinash

Graduate student
519-888-4567, ext. 33509
Location: DC 3509

Degree: Master’s candidate
: Grant Weddell

Oleksandra Kmet

Graduate student

Degree: Master's candidate
: Charles Clarke

Karl Knopf

Graduate student
photo of Karl Knopf
Location: DC 3301

Degree: PhD candidate

Supervisor: Xi He

Link to personal webpage: Karl Knopf

Zeynep Korkmaz

Graduate student
Location: DC 3301

Degree: PhD candidate
: Tamer Özsu

Chanaka Lakmal

Graduate student
Location: DC 2115

Degree: Master’s candidate

Supervisor: Khuzaima Daudjee

Jian Li

Graduate student
Location: DC 3301

Degree: PhD candidate
: Ihab Ilyas

Minghan Li

Graduate student
Location: DC 3301

Degree: PhD candidate

Supervisor: Jimmy Lin

Luyun (Aileen) Lin

Graduate student

Degree: Master's candidate

Supervisor: Jimmy Lin

Sheng-Chieh Lin

Graduate student
Location: DC 3301

Degree: PhD candidate

Supervisor: Jimmy Lin

Chang Liu

Graduate student
Location: DC 3301

Degree: PhD candidate

Supervisor: Semih Salihoglu

Link to personal webpage: Chang Liu

Chengxi Luo

Graduate student

Degree: Master’s candidate

Supervisor: Charles Clarke

Xueguang Ma

Graduate student
Location: DC 3301

Degree: Master’s candidate

Supervisor: Jimmy Lin

Amine Mhedhbi

Graduate student
Location: DC 3301

Degree: PhD candidate

Supervisor: Semih Salihoglu

Link to personal webpage: Amine Mhedhbi

Linh Nhi Phan Minh

Graduate student
photo of Linh Nhi Phan Minh
Location: DC 3301

Degree: Master’s candidate

Supervisor: Mark Smucker

Link to personal webpage: Linh Nhi Phan Minh

Salman Mohammed

Graduate student
Location: DC 3301

Degree: Master’s candidate

Supervisor: Jimmy Lin

Ipsita Mohanty
Location: DC 3301

Degree: Master’s candidate
Tamer Özsu

Shubhankar Mohapatra

Graduate student
photo of Shubhankar Mohapatra

Degree: PhD candidate

Supervisor: Xi He

Link to personal webpage: Shubhankar Mohapatra

Akintunde Oladipo

Graduate student

Degree: Master's candidate

Supervisor: Jimmy Lin

Wei Pang

Graduate student

Degree: Master’s candidate
 Semih Salihoglu

Wei Pang

Graduate student

Degree: Master’s candidate

Supervisor: Semih Salihoglu

Ronak Pradeep

Graduate student
Location: DC 3301

Degree: PhD candidate

Supervisor: Jimmy Lin

Hasan Ammar Rafiq

Graduate student
519-888-4567, ext. 38333
Location: DC 2531

Degree: Master’s candidate
: Grant Weddell

Saira Rizvi

Graduate student

Degree: Master’s candidate

Supervisor: Charles Clarke

Joel Rorseth

Graduate student

Degree: Master’s candidate

Supervisor: Lukasz Golab

Mohamed Sabri

Graduate student
519-888-4567, ext. 38394
Location: DC 3314

Degree: PhD candidate
: Grant Weddell and David Toman

Link to personal webpage: Mohamed Sabri

Siddhartha Sahu

Graduate student
Location: DC 3301

Degree: PhD candidate
: Semih Salihoglu

Mina Saleeb

Graduate student
519-888-4567, ext. 38627
Location: DC 3313

Degree: PhD candidate
: Ihab Ilyas

Link to personal webpage: Mina Saleeb

Veronica Salm

Graduate student

Degree: Master’s candidate

Supervisor: Lukasz Golab

Mahsa Seifikar

Graduate student
Location: DC 3301

Degree: Master’s candidate

Supervisor: Charles Clarke

Udhav Sethi

Graduate student

Degree: Master’s candidate

Supervisor: Ken Salem

Dahlia Shehata

Graduate student

Degree: PhD candidate
: Charles Clarke

Aida Sheshbolouki

Graduate student

Degree: PhD candidate
Tamer Özsu

Link to personal webpage: Aida Sheshbolouki

Anmol Singh

Graduate student

Degree: Master’s candidate

Supervisor: Gordon Cormack

Luchen Tan

Graduate student
Location: DC 3548F

Degree: PhD candidate
: Charles Clarke

Theo Vanderkooy

Graduate student

Degree: Master’s candidate

Supervisor: Khuzaima Daudjee

Ji Xin

Graduate student
Location: DC 3301

Degree: PhD candidate

Supervisors: Jimmy Lin and Yaoliang Yu

Link to personal webpage: Ji Xin

Jheng-Hong Yang

Graduate student
Location: DC 3301

Degree: PhD candidate

Supervisor: Jimmy Lin

Andy Yu

Graduate student
Location: DC 3301

Degree: PhD candidate

Supervisor: Lukasz Golab

Dake Zhang

Graduate student
photo of Dake Zhang
Location: DC 3301

Degree: PhD candidate

Supervisor: Mark Smucker

Link to personal webpage: Dake Zhang

Shufan Zhang

Graduate student
Location: DC 3301

Degree: PhD candidate

Supervisor: Xi He

Xinyu Zhang

Graduate student
Location: DC 3301

Degree: PhD candidate

Supervisor: Jimmy Lin

Yan Zhang

Graduate student
519-888-4567, ext. 32444
Location: DC 2115

Degree: Master’s candidate

Supervisor: TamerÖzsu

Link to personal webpage: Yan Zhang

Wei Zhong

Graduate student
Location: DC 3301

Degree: PhD candidate

Supervisor: Jimmy Lin