The Asia-Pacific Team will feature and disseminate expert research on different sub-regions of the Asia-Pacific, including Northeast Asia, Southeast Asia, and South & Central Asia. Our team's activities will further focus on four broad themes that reach across these subregions, and will serve as a basis for developing the agenda of our annual workshops.
1) Evolving Regional Order in the Asia-Pacific: we will assess the implications of shifting roles and alignments of major powers on regional order, the responses of middle powers (Japan, India, Australia, ASEAN, and Canada) that have a stake in the preservation of a stable and open Indo-Pacific, and the role of regional security and defence alliances, institutions and networks in contributing to regional order.
2) Unconventional Security Challenges in the Asia-Pacific: Asia-Pacific states and institutions put a lot of emphasis on unconventional security threats that are non-military and/or transnational in nature. These include: illicit trafficking in persons, drugs, small arms and light weapons, natural resources, etc., cybercrime, terrorism and radical extremism, maritime piracy, migration, pandemics, and natural disasters. Under this theme, we will also address prospects for enhancing Canada's defence relationships in the region through the development of cooperative mechanisms on unconventional security issues.
3) Intra-State Conflict in the Asia-Pacific: The prevalence of intra-state conflict in a number of sub-national locales throughout the Asia-Pacific, particularly in Southeast and South & Central Asia, will also be a focus of our team's activities.
4) Women, Peace and Security in the Asia-Pacific: Japan, China, and ASEAN states are particularly keen to benefit from the expertise of countries that have sound experience in gender mainstreaming as it pertains to defense policy, whether this has to do with the integration of women in armed forces, the development of a GBA+ focus in peace operations or humanitarian assistance and disaster relief, or collaboration with non-state actors that contribute to the prevention and resolution of civil conflict on the ground, such as in Rakhine (Myanmar), Mindanao (Philippines), or West Papua (Indonesia).
Team Leads

Stéphanie Martel, Queens University
Dr. Stéphanie Martel is an Assistant Professor of Political Studies at Queens University and a fellow at the Centre for International and Defence Policy. Her research at the intersection of international security and global governance is on multilateral diplomacy, security regionalism, and the role of discourse in the social construction of world politics, with a focus on Southeast Asia and the Asia-Pacific. Dr. Martels work has been published in International Studies Quarterly, The Pacific Review, LEspace Politique, and Monde Chinois, among others. She is currently working on a monograph titled Enacting Regional Security in the Asia-Pacific: Discourse in the Making of an ASEAN Community. Dr. Martel acts as a Canadian representative to the ASEAN Regional Forums Experts and Eminent Persons Group, and regularly takes part in policy dialogues on regional security in the Asia-Pacific. She serves on the Executive of the Canadian Council for Southeast Asian Studies, is a member of the Women in International Security (WIIS) Canada, and a member of the Network for Strategic Analysis. Prior to joining Queens, Dr. Martel was a FRQSC Post-doctoral Fellow at the University of British Columbias Institute of Asian Research and the Centre for International Peace and Security Studies (McGill University). She received her Ph.D. in Political Science at the Université de Montréal.
Website: Queens University; Personal
Twitter: @st_martel
Selected Publications
Martel, Stéphanie. 2020 (forthcoming). Unpacking the Crisis of the Rules-Based International Order: Competing Hero Narratives and Indo-Pacific Alternatives. DSFG Working Paper.
Martel, Stéphanie. 2020. The Polysemy of Security Community-Building: Towards a People-Centered Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)? International Studies Quarterly. DOI: 10.1093/isq/sqaa040. Online (First View)
Martel, Stéphanie. 2019. [Security challenges in Southeast Asia and Beyond] Enjeux de sécurité en Asie du Sud-Est et au-delà in Serge Granger and Dominique Caouette (eds.), LAsie du Sud-Est à la croisée des puissances, Montreal: Presses de lUniversité de Montréal.
Martel, Stéphanie. 2017. From Ambiguity to Contestation: Discourse(s) of Non-Traditional Security in the ASEAN Community, The Pacific Review. 30(4): 549-565.
Martel, Stéphanie. 2017. Introduction: Southeast Asia in an Evolving Global Landscape: What Role for Canada? In Stéphanie Martel and Nhu Truong, eds. 2017. Southeast Asia in an Evolving Global Landscape: Prospects for an Integrated Region and Implications for Canada. Vancouver: University of British Columbia. Online.
Martel, Stéphanie. 2015. [Countering Cross-Border Trafficking in Southeast Asia: Subregional Cooperation as a Catalyst for Security Regionalism] Lutte anti-trafic transfrontalière en Asie du Sud-Est : la coopération subrégionale comme tremplin pour le régionalisme en matière de sécurité , LEspace Politique 24(3). DOI: 10.4000/espacepolitique.3181

Brian Job, University of British Columbia
Dr. Brian L. Job (PhD, Indiana University) is Professor of Political Science and a resident Faculty Associate of the School of Public Policy and Global Affairs at the University of British Columbia. He joined the UBC faculty in 1989, having previously been on the faculty of the University of Minnesota. He has served as Director of the Centre of International Relations, Interim Director of the Liu Institute, and Associate Director of the Institute of Asian Research. His current teaching and research interests concern international securitymore specifically, the evolving security order of the Asia Pacific, intrastate conflict, human security, and Canadian foreign and security policies. His current research concerns UN peacekeeping, the protection of civilians in conflict, Canadian security policy, and security relations among Asian states and peoples. Dr. Job has been actively involved in Asia Pacific expert networks, particularly with the Council of Security Cooperation in the Asia Pacific (CSCAP). He has been co-editor of International Studies Quarterly, and of Global Governance, and serves on the Editorial Boards of the International Journal and of International Relations of the Asia Pacific. Job has been a visiting professor at Aoyama Gakuin University, Tokyo; Nanyang Technical University, Singapore; and the Australian National University.
Website: University of British Columbia
Selected Publications:
Anastasia Shesterinina and Brian Job, 2016. Particularized Protection: The United Nations and the Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict? International Peacekeeping. 23 (2): 240-273.
Job, Brian. 2016.Evolution, retreat or rejection: Brazils, Indias and Chinas normative stances on R2P Cambridge Review of International Affairs,Vol. 29, 3.
Job, Brian and Anastasia Shesterinina, 2014. China as a Global Norm-Shaper: Institutionalization and Implementation of the Responsibility to Protect, in Alexander Betts and Phil Orchard (eds), Implementation and World Politics: How International Norms Change Practice. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Job, Brian. 2014. Anticipating Disruptive Change for Asia, 2030. Policy Horizons Canada. Online.
Team Members

Jennifer Mustapha, Huron University College at Western
Dr. Jennifer Mustapha researches and teaches at the intersection of a number of different areas of interest and expertise. In particular, an over-arching theme in her work pertains to the broader question of how ideas and institutions matter in constructions of identity and governance. In 2019 her first monograph was published by Routledge, and it has so far been well received by regional security scholars. The book examines narratives and discourses of security in Southeast Asia in the context of the US-led War on Terror and provides a starting point for some of her current and ongoing research projects. Dr. Mustapha has published several articles on East and Southeast Asian regional security politics in particular, and on theorizations and understandings of security more generally. She is active in the academic community, having served on the executive and boards of academic associations and journals. She has also been asked to share insights in media commentary on topics like the Trump Administrations East Asia policies; coverage of terrorism in popular news media; and pedagogical challenges presented by the contemporary digital landscape.
Website: Personal
Twitter: @JHMustapha
Selected Publications:
2020 (forthcoming). Border security legislation and the construction of uncertain spaces: the case of Bill C-23, in Muller, Ben and Can Mutlu Eds. Architectures of (In) Security: Design, Control, Space. Rowman and Littlefield: London.
2019. Writing Southeast Asian Security: Regional Security and the War on Terror after 9/11. Routledge: London.
2018. To Give Trump Full Credit on North Korea is to Deny Regional Realities. Globe and Mail, May 2. Online.
2015 (with Richard Stubbs). Regional Economic Institutions in Asia: Ideas and Institutionalization. In Saadia Pekkanen, John Ravenhill, and Rosemary Foot (eds), Oxford Handbook of the International Relations of Asia, Oxford: Oxford University Press, chapter 34.
2011. Threat Construction in the Bush Administrations Post 9/11 Foreign Policy Discourses: (Critical) Security Implications for Southeast Asia. The Pacific Review 24(4): 487-504.

Shaun Narine, St. Thomas University
Dr. Shaun Narine is a Professor of International Relations in the Political Science Department at St. Thomas University. He is the Director of the International Relations Program. Dr. Narines research has focused on institutionalization in the Asia Pacific region. He has written two books on the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN): Explaining ASEAN: Regionalism in Southeast Asia (2002) and The New ASEAN in Asia Pacific and Beyond (2018). He has published articles on ASEAN, sovereignty, human rights in Southeast Asia, Chinas civil-military relations, and numerous other topics in the leading journals in the field. He has also written extensively on a number of other topics, including Canadian foreign policy, Japans relations with Southeast Asia, and the US role in the Asia Pacific region. Dr. Narine completed his Ph.D at the University of Toronto (1998). He was a Visiting Fellow at the East-West Center (2000), a Killam Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of British Columbia (2000-2002) and a Visiting Fellow at the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies-ISEAS (2017). His current research focuses on Canadas relations with China and the Huawei problem.
Website: St. Thomas University
Selected Publications:
2020 (forthcoming). Japan and ASEAN: Unity and Diversity in a Changing Regional Environment. In John Cioriciari and Kiyoteru Tsutsui (eds). The Courteous Power: Japan and Southeast Asia in the Indo-Pacific Era. University of Michigan Press.
2019 (with Jamie Gillies). The Trudeau government and the case for multilateralism in an uncertain world. Canadian Foreign Policy Journal, DOI: 10.1080/11926422.2019.1684963.
2018. US Domestic Politics and Americas Withdrawal from the Trans-Pacific Partnership: Implications for Southeast Asia. Contemporary Southeast Asia. 40 (1): 50-70.

Isabelle Côté, Memorial University
Isabelle Côté is an Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science at Memorial University of Newfoundland. Her research investigates the role of internal population movements on intrastate conflict and contentious politics in East and Southeast Asia. In particular, she investigates the violent clashes between ethnically-distinct native people and internal migrants i.e. Sons of the Soil (SoS) conflict - in authoritarian China and newly democratizing Indonesia. Recently, she has also explored the impacts of political, economic and ecological resettlement programs in Asia, Europe and North America. Her work has been published in numerous journals including, among others, Studies in Conflict and Terrorism (runner up for the 2018 Jill Vickers Prize for best paper on Gender and Politics); Canadian Journal of Political Science; Commonwealth and Politics; Democratization; Ethnopolitics; and has co-edited a volume on Sons of the Soil conflict published with Routledge (2019). She currently serves on the Executive Boards of the Canadian Council of Southeast Asian Studies (CCSEAS) and the ISA-Political Demography and Geography Section, and is a former President of the Atlantic Provinces Political Science Association (APPSA). She received her PhD in Political Science from the University of Toronto, held various guest researcher positions in China and Indonesia, and was a postdoctoral fellow at KITLV (Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies) in Leiden (Netherlands).
Website: Memorial University
Twitter: @isaluciecote
Selected publications:
Côté, Isabelle and Yolande Pottie-Sherman [eds] (forthcoming) Resettlement in Global Context. ISER Books (expected publication date: August 2020).
Côté, Isabelle, Matthew I. Mitchell and Monica Duffy Toft [eds] (2019) People Changing Places: New Perspectives on Demography, Migration, Conflict and the State. Routledge.
Côté, Isabelle and Emma Huang (forthcoming) Where are the Daughters in Sons of the Soil Conflict? Examining the Effects of Gendered Migration on Violent Conflict, Forthcoming in Studies in Conflict and Terrorism.
Côté, Isabelle and Yolande Pottie-Sherman (2020) The Contentious Politics of Development-Induced Resettlement Programs in Western Democracies: Evidence from Canada, Canadian Journal of Political Science, 53(1), 19-37.
Côté, Isabelle (2019) Researching violent conflicts using comparative multi-sites fieldwork, Sage Research Methods Case. January. DOI:
Côté, Isabelle and Matthew I. Mitchell (2018) The Far North Actin Ontario: A Sons of the Soil Conflict in the Making? Commonwealth and Comparative Politics 56(2): 139-156.
Côté, Isabelle and Matthew I. Mitchell (2017) Deciphering Sons of the Soil Conflicts: a critical survey of the literature, Ethnopolitics 16(4): 333-351.
Côté, Isabelle and Matthew I. Mitchell (2016) Elections and Sons of the Soil conflict dynamics in Africa and Asia. Democratization 23(4): 657-677.

Amarnath Amarasingam, Queens University
Dr. Amarnath Amarasingam is an Assistant Professor in the School of Religion at Queens University. He is also a Senior Research Fellow at the Institute for Strategic Dialogue, an Associate Fellow at the International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation, and an Associate Fellow at the Global Network on Extremism and Technology. His research interests are in radicalization, terrorism, diaspora politics, post-war reconstruction, and the sociology of religion. He is the author of Pain, Pride, and Politics: Sri Lankan Tamil Activism in Canada (2015), and the co-editor of Sri Lanka: The Struggle for Peace in the Aftermath of War (2016). He has also written several peer-reviewed articles and book chapters.
Dr. Amarasingam is an experienced field researcher, having conducted field research mainly in Sri Lanka, but also in Syria, Iraq, Morocco, Somalia, Lebanon, and Israel/Palestine. As part of his research, he has conducted numerous interviews with former fighters of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam in Sri Lanka, as well as current and former foreign fighters in Syria and Iraq. He has written for The New York Times, The Washington Post, CNN, Politico, The Atlantic, and Foreign Affairs, and has been interviewed by various media outlets.
Website: Queens University
Twitter: @AmarAmarasingam
Selected Publications:
Amarasingam, Amarnath. 2015. Pain, Pride, and Politics: Social Movement Activism and the Sri Lankan Tamil Diaspora in Canada. Series: Geographies of Justice and Social Transformation. Athens: University of Georgia Press.
Amarasingam, Amarnath and Daniel Bass, eds. 2016. Post-War Sri Lanka: Problems and Prospects. London: C. Hurst Co. Publishers.
Amarasingam, Amarnath. 2019. Terrorism on the Teardrop Island: Understanding the Easter 2019 Attacks in Sri Lanka. CTC Sentinel. Volume 12, Issue 5 (May/June 2019): 1-10. Available at:
Dawson, Lorne and Amarnath Amarasingam. 2017. Talking to Foreign Fighters: Insights into the Motivations for Hijrah to Syria and Iraq. Studies in Conflict and Terrorism. (40.3): 191-210.
Amarasingam, Amarnath and Christopher Powell. 2017. Atrocity and Proto-Genocide in Sri Lanka. In Scott Murray, ed. Understanding Atrocities: Remembering, Representing and Teaching Genocide. (Calgary: University of Calgary Press): 19-48.

Tsuyoshi Kawasaki, Simon Fraser University
Tsuyoshi (Yoshi) Kawasaki is an Associate Professor in the Political Science Department at Simon Fraser University. While his primary research interests focus on Japanese foreign policy and the international relations of the Indo-Pacific region, he has closely observed Canadas relations with Asia in the past 30 years. He is a student of great power politics, grand strategy, and maritime geopolitics, as demonstrated by his analyses of Canadas Asia policy recently published in International Journal. As a scholar and public intellectual, he is active in Canada and Japan and publishes his works both in English and in Japanese. Beyond academia, he has worked on various projects with the Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada, Global Affairs Canada, the Sasakawa Peace Foundation USA, the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Japan Forum on International Relations. He also engages with the media. His most recent Japanese-language op-ed piece appeared on Nihon Keizai Shimbun (11 February 2020).
Website: Simon Fraser University
Selected Publications:
2021. Hedging against China: Formulating Canadas New Strategy in the Era of Power Politics. Canadian Foreign Policy Journal. Link here.
2019. Canada as a Peninsula State: Conceptualizing the Emerging Geopolitical Landscape in the 21st Century. International Journal 74 (3): 345-362.
2019. Daisenryakuron: Kokusai chitsujo o meguru tatakai to Nihon (On Grand Strategy: The Struggle over International Order and Japan). Tokyo: Keisō Shobō.
2019. Japans Grand Strategy: In Defense of the Liberal Western Pacific Order. In Ken Coates, Kimie Hara, Carin Holroyd, and Marie Söderberg (eds). Japans Future and a New Meiji Transformation: International Reflections, London: Routledge, Chapter 8.
2019. Kanada Torudō seiken no tai-Chū gaikō: Yume no ato (The Trudeau Governments China Policy: A Rude Awakening), Gaiko (Diplomacy) (January): 94-97.
2016. Where Does Canada Fit in the US-China Strategic Competition across the Pacific? International Journal 71 (2): 214-230.

David Welch, University of Waterloo
David A. Welch is University Research Chair and Professor of Political Science at the University of Waterloo, and teaches at the Balsillie School of International Affairs. His 2005 book Painful Choices: A Theory of Foreign Policy Change (Princeton University Press) is the inaugural winner of the International Studies Association ISSS Book Award for the best book published in 2005 or 2006, and his 1993 book Justice and the Genesis of War (Cambridge University Press) is the winner of the 1994 Edgar S. Furniss Award for an Outstanding Contribution to National Security Studies. He is co-author of Understanding Global Conflict and Cooperation, 10th ed. (Pearson Longman), with Joseph S. Nye, Jr. Hereceived his Ph.D. from Harvard University in 1990. He is currently co-editor (with Toni Erskine and Stefano Guzzini) of the Cambridge University Press journal, International Theory.
Website: Personal; Balsillie School of International Affairs
Twitter: @DavidAWelch
Selected Publications:
2020 (with Joseph S. Nye, Jr.). Understanding Global Conflict and Cooperation: An Introduction to Theory and History. New York: Pearson Longman, 10th ed.
2020. China, the United States, and Thucydidess Trap. In Kai He and Huiyun Feng (eds.), Chinas Challenges and International Order Transition, Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 4770.
2020. The Arctic and Geopolitics. In Ken Coates and Carin Holroyd (eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Arctic Policy, London: Palgrave Macmillan, 473486.
2019. Its time to think boldly about CanadaJapan security cooperation. International Journal 74 (3): 445452.
2019. Japan 100 years from now. Asteion, Vol. 91.
2019 (with Kobi Logendrarajah). Is China still an outlaw in the South China Sea?, July 29.
2017. The Justice Motive in East Asias Territorial Disputes. Group Decision and Negotiation 26 (1): 7192.

Nicole Jackson, Simon Fraser University
GBA+ Member
- Maya Eichler, Mount Saint Vincent University