European NATO will explore conventional and non-conventional challenges posed by Russia, including hybrid threats and disinformation campaigns, domestic instability in Eastern Europe, and the implications for Canada’s approach to NATO collective defence.
Team Leads

Alexander Lanoszka, University of Waterloo
Dr. Alexander Lanoszka is an Assistant Professor of International Relations at the University of Waterloo. His research agenda encompasses international security, alliance politics, and theories of war, with special focus on Central and Northeastern Europe. He sits on the editorial board of the journal Contemporary Security Policy and is an Honorary Fellow at City, University of London, where he previously taught prior to coming to Waterloo. He held fellowships at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Dartmouth College upon finishing his PhD at Princeton University.
He has published articles in such journals as International Security, International Affairs, Security Studies, and The Nonproliferation Review. His book Atomic Assurance: The Alliance Politics of Nuclear Proliferation (with Cornell University Press) examines how alliances can best deter, and reverse, efforts at nuclear proliferation by states that receive security guarantors from the United States. He also has a Strategic Studies Institute monograph (co-authored with Michael A. Hunzeker) that focuses on how the U.S. Army can contribute to the defence of the Baltic region against external aggression. His research has taken him around the world to conduct interviews and to collect archival materials.
Link to Personal Website or CV:

Christian Leuprecht, Queens University, Royal Military College of Canada
Christian Leuprecht (Ph.D, Queens) is Class of 1965 Professor in Leadership, Department of Political Science and Economics, Royal Military College and Eisenhower Fellow at the NATO Defence College in Rome. He is cross-appointed, Department of Political Studies and the School of Policy Studies, Queens University, where he is affiliated with both, the Queens Centre for International and Defence Policy and the Institute of Intergovernmental Relations, and Adjunct Research Professor, Australian Graduate School of Policing and Security, Charles Sturt University as well as the Centre for Crime Policy and Research, Flinders University. A recipient of RMCs Cowan Prize for Excellence in Research and an elected member of the College of New Scholars of the Royal Society of Canada, he is also Munk Senior Fellow in Security and Defence at the Macdonald Laurier Institute. An expert in security and defence, political demography, and comparative federalism and multilevel governance, he has held visiting positions in North America, Europe, and Australia, and is regularly called as an expert witness to testify before committees of Parliament. He holds appointments to the board of two new research institutes funded by the German government, including the German Institute for Defence and Strategic Studies.
For a longer biography and CV, please visit:
Team Members
- Kristen Csenkey, Balsillie School of International Affairs
- Sergey Sukhankin, University of Concordia & University of Alberta
- David Marples, University of Alberta
- Alla Hurska, University of Alberta & IBEI
- Balkan Devlen, University of Copenhagen
GBA+ Members
- Victoria Tait, Carleton University
- Vanessa Brown, Dallaire Centre of Excellence on Peace and Security, Canadian Defence Academy & Canadian Forces College