About the ECEGSA
The Electrical and Computer Engineering Graduate Student Association (ECEGSA) is a departmental graduate student association recognized by the Graduate Student Association (GSA) at the University of Waterloo. We serve all full-time and part-time graduate students in the Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) department.
What we do
ECEGSA provides a variety of services to ECE graduate students, including:
- Promoting social interaction and community-building among ECE graduate students
- Contributing to the development of policies that impact ECE graduate students
- Organizing and participating in academic activities related to Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Facilitating the exchange of information between ECE graduate students and departmental representatives
A special thanks to all ECE graduate students who contributed to the preparation and ongoing maintenance of the ECEGSA Constitution.
- This organization shall be known as the Electrical and Computer Engineering Graduate Student Association (ECEGSA).
- The purpose and goals of the ECEGSA are:
- To provide services for ECE graduate students.
- To promote social interaction among ECE graduate students. To participate in the development of policies which relate to graduate students, particularly ECE graduate students.
- To organize and/or participate in academic activities related to electrical and computer engineering and ECE graduate students.
- To promote the exchange of information among ECE graduate student representatives.
- All full-time and part-time ECE graduate students are members of ECEGSA.
- The Council of the Electrical and Computer Engineering Graduate Student Association shall be formed under the following conditions:
- The Council shall consist of at least three and at most seven Councillors.
- The Council shall solicit nominations from members to serve in this Council as described in articles six and seven
- Councillors shall be appointed up to May of each year.
- The Council shall be responsible for carrying out the following activities:
- The Council shall elect a representative to the GSA Council, a Chairperson, a Recording Secretary, and a Treasurer.
- Whenever possible, one or more Councillor(s) will be appointed to each of the following positions:
- Teaching Assistant (TA) Representative.
- Graduate Studies Committee (GSC) Representative.
- Social Convenor.
- The Chairperson is the official representative of the association at all times.
- The Chairperson will chair all meetings unless otherwise designated by the general assembly or by the Councillors.
- The Chairperson is responsible for initiating the process of adding/electing new Councillor(s) whenever the number of Councillors is less than three, and on the first day of each April. This process is described in articles six and seven.
- The Treasurer is responsible for the proper management of the monies of the association, including preparation of a yearly budget. The Treasurer shall act for the Chairperson on his/her absence.
- The Recording Secretary is responsible for ensuring that meeting agenda and minutes are prepared for every meeting, and made available to the membership.
- The Social Convenor shall be responsible for promoting interaction among the ECE graduate students through organization of social events, and for projects involving the Mail Room.
- The TA Representative will sit on the departmental TA Committee, and will be responsible for overseeing undergraduate evaluation of TAs.
- The GSA Representative will be a member of the GSA Council as the official representative of the ECEGSA. It will be the responsibility of the GSA representative to attend all meetings of the GSA Council, either in person or by proxy, and to report to the ECEGSA at Council and General meetings.
- The GSC Representative will sit on the departmental Graduate Studies Committee, and will report to the ECEGSA at Council and General meetings.
- The Council shall arrange to hold a Council meeting (gathering of the Councillors) at least twice a term.
- The Council shall arrange to hold a General meeting (gathering of members) at least once a term.
- Councillors shall be the sole spokespersons and representatives for the Electrical and Computer Engineering Graduate Student Association. The only exception shall be individuals specifically appointed by the Council to represent the Electrical and Computer Engineering Graduate Student Association.
- The Council may fill Council vacancies for the remainder of the three term period as described in article six.
- The process of adding new Councillor(s):
- The Chairperson announces on the extant newsgroup and mailing list dedicated to ECE graduate students (currently uw.ee.grad and ecegrads@sunee) the need for the new Councillor(s).
- Those interested in being a Councillor must send a written letter of interest to the Chairperson.
- The Chairperson posts a CFV (Call For Votes) on the aforementioned newsgroup and mailing list containing information about the nominated person(s), and clear instructions on how to vote for the candidate(s).
- The present Councillors and the graduate secretary are expected to conduct the voting procedure.
- The voting period lasts two weeks. Results of votes are announced on the ECE graduate student newsgroup and mailing list.
- The candidate(s) with the maximum vote(s) is (are) appointed as the new Councillor(s).
- The process of electing a new Council is the same as that of adding Councillors as detailed in paragraphs (a) through (f). In addition, the candidate with the highest number of votes becomes the ECEGSA Chairperson. Furthermore, Councillors running in the election are expected to excuse themselves from the conducting of the election.
- Council Meetings shall be called and held under the following conditions:
- Any Councillor may call for a Council meeting.
- All Councillors must be sent notification of the call for a Council meeting.
- Three Councillors shall constitute a quorum for a Council meeting.
- General meetings shall be called and held under the following conditions:
- General meeting shall be called by the Council or by signed petition of ten percent of the membership.
- General meetings shall be announced at least two weeks in advance, with the distribution of the agenda. If important business is to be addressed, background information and a notice of motion must accompany the agenda. These communications may be by printed or electronic media.
- The presence of ten percent of the membership shall suffice for quorum for a General meeting. If quorum is not met the General meeting is declared null and void, and is deemed not to have taken place.
- The finances of the Electrical and Computer Engineering Graduate Student Association shall be governed by the following conditions:
- A bank account shall be kept in the name of the Electrical and Computer Engineering Graduate Student Association and registered under three Councillors, namely the Chairperson, the Treasurer and a third Councillor chosen for this purpose.
- Signing authority shall be two of the registered Councillors' signatures.
- The yearly budget must be passed by simple majority in Council, and any amendments to the budget must be returned to Council for approval.
- An up-to-date financial statement shall be presented at a General meeting at least once a year.
- Amendments to this constitution may be made at a General meeting provided that the General meeting satisfies the necessary quorum requirement of ten percent of membership and the amendment is approved by two-thirds of those members in attendance. A notice of motion clearly stating the nature of the constitutional amendment must accompany the notice of the General meeting.