Waterloo Engineering faculty, staff, alumni, and students receive recognition for their research, teaching, leadership, and dedication to the engineering profession in the form of a record number of awards and grants.
Our achievements increase Waterloo Engineering's visibility around the world, and amongst Canada’s top engineering organizations, including the Engineering Institute of Canada, the Canadian Academy of Engineering and Professional Engineers Ontario.
Here we celebrate the many individuals who have been recognized for outstanding achievements through a variety of external and internal award programs.
2024 awards and honours
Fellow: The Geological Society (INT'L)
Dr. Alexander Wong
Housing Design Education Award: Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (INT'L)
Adrian Blackwell
Faculty Design Award: Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (INT'L)
Lola Sheppard
Emerging Voices Award: Architectural League of New York (USA)
Dr. David Fortin
Highly Cited Researcher: Clarivate (INT'L)
Dr. Aiping Yu
Dr. Michael Fowler
Dr. Roydon Fraser
Dr. Xuemin (Sherman) Shen
International Fellow: Engineering Academy of Japan (INT'L)
Dr. Xuemin (Sherman) Shen
Fellow: Electrochemical Society (INT'L)
Dr. Sushanta Mitra
John P. Masten Distinguished Service Award: Cold-Formed Steel Engineers Institute (USA)
Dr. Reinhold Schuster
Market Development Industry Leadership Award: American Iron and Steel Institute (USA)
Dr. Michael Worswick
Fellow: Royal Society of Arts (INT'L)
Dr. Alexander Wong
Lotfi A. Zadeh Pioneer Award: IEEE Systems, Man and Cybermetrics Society (INT'L)
Dr. Keith W. Hipel
Journal of Materials Chemistry A Emerging Investigators (INT'L)
Dr. Milad Kamkar
Fellow: The Royal Geographical Society (INT'L)
Dr. Alexander Wong
Comfort A. Adams Lecture Award: American Welding Society (USA)
Dr. Norman Zhou
Ron Britton Engineering Education Vanguard Award: Canadian Engineering Education Association
Dr. Jennifer Howcroft
Fellow: Canadian Academy of Engineering
Dr. Ladan Tahvildari
Dr. Ehsan Toyserkani
Dr. Costas Tzoganakis
Dr. Alfred Yu
Fellow: Canadian Engineering Education Association
Dr. Nadine Ibrahim
Alfred F. Wong Lifetime Achievement Award: Canadian Institute of Steel Construction
Dr. Reinhold Schuster
Award of Merit: Canadian Operational Research Society
Dr. James Bookbinder
Fellow: Canadian Society for Civil Engineering
Dr. Giovanni Cascante
D. G. Fisher Award: Chemical Institute of Canada
Dr. Luis Ricardez-Sandoval
Macromolecular Science and Engineering Division Early Career Instigator Award: Chemical Institute of Canada (sponsored by NOVA Chemicals)
Dr. Tizazu Mekonnen
P.D. Ziogas Electric Power Award: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Dr. Kankar Bhattacharya
Tier 1 Canada Research Chair: NSERC
Dr. Ehsan Toyserkani (renewed)
Tier 2 Canada Research Chair: NSERC
Dr. Chris Eliasmith (renewed)
Dr. Tizazu Mekonnen
Dr. Luis Ricardez-Sandoval (renewed)
Dr. Rebecca Saari
Dr. Mihaela Vlasea
Dr. Valerie Ward
Acadia Design Excellence Award: Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture
Philip Beesley
King Charles III Coronation Medal: Royal Architectural Institute of Canada
Eric (Rick) Haldenby
Ontario Early Researcher Award
Dr. Mahla Poudineh
Research and Development Engineering Medal: Ontario Professional Engineering Association
Dr. Boxin Zhao
University of Waterloo
Award of Excellence in Graduate Supervision
Dr. Peter Huck
Distinguished Teaching Award
Dr. Carol Hulls
Outstanding Performance Award
Dr. Arash Arami
Dr. Chris Bachmann
Dr. Eline Boghaert
Dr. Wayne Chang
Dr. Cecile Devaud
Dr. Ayman El-Hag
Dr. Allyson Giannikouris
Dr. Jason Grove
Dr. Jennifer Howcroft
Dr. Na Young Kim
Dr. David Mather
Dr. John McPhee
Dr. Tizazu Mekonnen
Dr. Patrick Mitran
Dr. Andrew Morton
Dr. Anh Pham
Dr. Maya Przybylski
Dr. Lola Sheppard
Dr. Stephen Smith
Dr. Zhou Wang
Dr. Valerie Ward
University Professor
Dr. En-Hui Yang
University Research Chair
Dr. David Clausi
Faculty of Engineering
Art of Engineering and Architecture research contest
Dr. Milad Kamkar
Award of Excellence in Graduate Supervision
Dr. Thomas Willett
Boyce Family Teaching Award
Andrea Atkins
Faculty Research Excellence Award
Dr. Mohamad Araji
Dr. Arash Arami
Dr. Chris Wilson
Faculty Service Excellence Award
Dr. Dan Davison
Dr. Michael Reimer
Faculty Teaching Excellence Award
Dr. Janet Boekhorst
Dr. Nadine Ibrahim
Dr. Houra Mahmoudzadeh
Outstanding Staff Performance Award
Graeme Adair
Dave Dietz
Robin Jardin
Neil Griffett
Pearl Sullivan Outstanding Staff Teaching Award
Ryan Consell
Victoria Cotton
Dr. Calvin Young
Unsung Hero Award
Rick Andrighetti
Dr. Carolyn MacGregor