Peter Huck, PEng
Peter M. Huck is a Professor and NSERC Chair holder in Water Treatment in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Waterloo.
As Chair holder, Professor Huck provides leadership to a team of professionals and graduate students conducting leading edge research in various areas related to water treatment; and also teaches courses in water treatment and related topics. He leads a team whose research focuses on risk-based decision making, which will develop tools that utilities can use for assessing and quantifying treatment in terms of identified health risks. There is also a focus on understanding and optimizing bio filtration, membrane filtration, chemical contaminant removal, and conventional treatment performance. The team’s final goal is to investigate potential applications and strategies for municipal water re-use.
Professor Huck has over 30 years of experience in directing research related to drinking water treatment, including several major studies for the Water Research Foundation. He also has more than 100 refereed publications and several hundred conference proceeding papers. In May 2004, Professor Huck was appointed by the Ontario Minister of the Environment to the Advisory Council on Drinking Water Standards and Testing and has been reappointed, most recently in June 2008.
As a result of his research work, he has received several publication awards from the American Water Works Association (AWWA) including the 2008 A.P. Black Research Award, making him the first non-American recipient of that award. He received the George Warren Fuller Award from the Ontario Water Works Association in 2007 and also received the Albert E. Berry Medal from the Canadian Society of Civil Engineers. Additionally, Professor Huck received the Aquarina Award from the Polish Association of Sanitary Engineers for his research in the field of Natural Environmental Protection.
Peter Huck is a member of the Waterloo Centre for Microbial Research.
As Chair holder, Professor Huck provides leadership to a team of professionals and graduate students conducting leading edge research in various areas related to water treatment; and also teaches courses in water treatment and related topics. He leads a team whose research focuses on risk-based decision making, which will develop tools that utilities can use for assessing and quantifying treatment in terms of identified health risks. There is also a focus on understanding and optimizing bio filtration, membrane filtration, chemical contaminant removal, and conventional treatment performance. The team’s final goal is to investigate potential applications and strategies for municipal water re-use.
Professor Huck has over 30 years of experience in directing research related to drinking water treatment, including several major studies for the Water Research Foundation. He also has more than 100 refereed publications and several hundred conference proceeding papers. In May 2004, Professor Huck was appointed by the Ontario Minister of the Environment to the Advisory Council on Drinking Water Standards and Testing and has been reappointed, most recently in June 2008.
As a result of his research work, he has received several publication awards from the American Water Works Association (AWWA) including the 2008 A.P. Black Research Award, making him the first non-American recipient of that award. He received the George Warren Fuller Award from the Ontario Water Works Association in 2007 and also received the Albert E. Berry Medal from the Canadian Society of Civil Engineers. Additionally, Professor Huck received the Aquarina Award from the Polish Association of Sanitary Engineers for his research in the field of Natural Environmental Protection.
Peter Huck is a member of the Waterloo Centre for Microbial Research.
Research Interests
- advanced oxidation, biofiltration, Drinking and waste water treatment, endocrine disrupting compounds, membrane filtration, membrane fouling, pathogens, pharmaceuticals, ultraviolet light, Environmental & Water Resources, water supply systems, identification and removal of trace chemical contaminants
- 1977, Doctorate PhD, McMaster University, Ontario
- 1973, Master's MASc, University of Waterloo, Ontario
- 1971, Bachelor's BASc, University of Waterloo, Ontario
- CIVE 670 - Physico-Chemical Processes of Water and Wastewater Treatment
- Taught in 2020, 2022
- CIVE 671 - Aquatic Chemistry
- Taught in 2021, 2022, 2023
* Only courses taught in the past 5 years are displayed.
Selected/Recent Publications
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- Siembida-Lösch, Barbara and Anderson, William B and Bonsteel, Jane and Huck, Peter M, Biopolymer removal in full-scale conventional and advanced drinking water treatment trains at two large adjacent plants, Desalination and Water Treatment, 1, 2016
- Hamouda, Mohamed A and Anderson, William B and Van Dyke, Michele I and Douglas, Ian P and McFadyen, Stéphanie D and Huck, Peter M, Scenario-based quantitative microbial risk assessment to evaluate the robustness of a drinking water treatment plant, Water Quality Research Journal of Canada, 81, 2016
- Sozański, Marek M and Olańczuk-Neyman, Krystyna and Huck, Peter M, Technologia uzdatniania wody jako autonomiczna dyscyplina nauki, Technologia Wody, 21, 2016
- Rahman, Ishita and Van Dyke, Michele I and Anderson, William B and Jin, Xiaohui and Ndiongue, Souleymane and Huck, Peter M, Effect of phosphorus addition on biofiltration pre-treatment to reduce ultrafiltration membrane fouling, Desalination and Water Treatment, 1, 2016
- Pharand, Lizanne and Van Dyke, Michele I and Anderson, William B and Yohannes, Yonatan and Huck, Peter M and others, Full-Scale Ozone--Biofiltration: Seasonally Related Effects on NOM Removal (PDF), Journal-American Water Works Association, , 2015
In The News
Graduate studies
- Currently considering applications from graduate students. A completed online application is required for admission; start the application process now.