Transportation Engineering

Professor Information:


  • Characterization and modelling of the behaviour of construction materials
  • Smart pavement materials and structures
  • Mechanistic pavement design methods
  • Optimization of the use of recycled materials in sustainable infrastructure system
  • Sustainable development, Life Cycle Analysis

Chris Bachmann is an Associate Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Waterloo, and a Professional Engineer (P.Eng) in the Province of Ontario. He holds a BASc, MASc, and PhD in Civil Engineering from the University of Toronto. He also holds a Master of Business, Entrepreneurship and Technology (MBET) from the Conrad School of Entrepreneurship and Business at the University of Waterloo.
Dr. Bachmann's expertise includes transportation engineering and sustainable infrastructure. His transportation research includes contributions in spatial economic and transport interaction, international trade and freight transportation, and transportation planning and demand forecasting. His research group has worked with various agencies including Transport Canada, the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario (MTO), the Region of Waterloo, the City of Waterloo, the City of Kitchener, Miovision, Canada West Foundation (CWF), and Innovation Science and Economic Development (ISED) Canada. In 2017, he received the Transportation Research Board’s (TRB’s) Fred Burggraf Award for excellence in transportation research by researchers 35 years of age or younger. In 2022, he received an Early Researcher Award from the Ontario Ministry of Colleges and Universities.
Dr. Bachmann regularly teaches "Economics and Life Cycle Cost Analysis" (CIVE 392) and "Transportation Engineering Applications" (CIVE 341) to undergraduate engineering students at the University of Waterloo. He also teaches "Modelling Transportation, Land Use and Spatial Economics" (CIVE 645) to graduate engineering students. In 2019, he received the University of Waterloo’s Faculty of Engineering Teaching Excellence Award for an ongoing record of excellence in undergraduate teaching.


  • Spatial Economic and Transport Interaction
  • International Trade and Transportation
  • Transportation Planning and Demand Forecasting
  • Engineering Economics and Finance
  • Sustainable Infrastructure

Jeff Casello is a Professor jointly-appointed in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and the School of Planning at the University of Waterloo. He is also the lead researcher in The Waterloo Public Transportation Initiative (WPTI), which is a UWaterloo research group that provides expertise in urban transportation planning and engineering in order to address the challenges relevant to Canadian and global cities.

Professor Casello’s primary research interest is in the development and application of quantitative models of transportation (particularly transit and non-motorized modes) system performance. He is also interested in researching the impacts of transportation investments on land use patterns and has published extensively on these topics.

Professor Casello specializes in the planning, design and operation of public transportation systems. He is the lead author (with Vukan R. Vuchic) of Transit Planning for the Institute of Transportation Engineer’s (ITE) 3rd edition of the “Transportation Planning Handbook”. In addition, he is an acknowledged contributor to two seminal texts in the field: “Urban Transit Systems and Technology” and “Urban Transit Planning, Operations and Economics”, both by Professor Vuchic.

Professionally, Professor Casello has worked as a consultant, instructor and researcher with many transit agencies in the US, Canada and abroad. These include Singapore (LTA), Washington DC (WMATA), Houston (METRO), Philadelphia (SEPTA), the Regional Municipality of Waterloo (GRT), the City of Kingston, and Mexico City (D.F.). He has also worked in the public sector for the New York State Department of Transportation.


  • Public Transportation
  • Urban Transportation
  • Transportation Modelling
  • Non-motorized modes
  • Public transit and transportation planning
  • Transportation Engineering
  • Environmental issues and new material economies
  • Urbanization
  • Alternative fuels
  • Transportation networks
  • Renewable energy
  • Connectivity and Internet of Things
  • Smart communities
  • Big data/analytics
  • IoT
  • Application domains
  • Stakeholders

Liping Fu is a Civil and Environmental Engineering Professor, a faculty member in the Transport Systems Research Group, and Director of the Innovative Transportation System Solutions (iTSS) Lab at the University of Waterloo.

iTSS creates several products and software related to transportation. Professor Fu and Professor Frank Saccomanno, also of UWaterloo, designed GradeX - a decision-support tool that can be used by railway safety engineers in Canada to identify crossing hotspots, evaluate countermeasures, and prioritize safety improvement projects.

SimParatransit is another product of iTSS and has been has been playing a vital role in North America by providing equitable transportation service to the elderly and handicapped population, who have difficulty accessing regular public transit systems. Unlike regular fixed-route transit, paratransit commonly uses small to medium sized vehicles to provide shared-ride, door-to-door service with flexible routes and schedules.

Professor Fu has contributed to several areas of intelligent transportation systems, public transit, road safety, and winter road maintenance. He has provided technical services to many transportation agencies, including Transport Canada, Ministry of Transportation Ontario (MTO), and several Canadian municipalities. Professor Fu is also the principal investigator of many winter snow and ice control related projects funded by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council(NSERC), MTO, Landscape Ontario, and salt institute.

Professor Fu has served on numerous technical committees of various professional organizations, such as the Transportation Research Board’s Committee and the Editorial Advisory Board of the Journal of Transportation Research. Additionally, he was the past Chair of the Transportation Division of Canadian Society for Civil Engineering.

As a result of his work, Professor Fu received the Transportation Association of Canada (TAC)'s 2011 Academic Merit Award for his long-term contribution to the development of the academic field.


  • Intelligent transportation systems
  • Transportation planning
  • System optimization
  • Paratransit scheduling and service planning
  • Traffic safety analysis
  • Winter road maintenance
  • Traffic engineering and transport systems analysis
  • Transportation Engineering
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Geographical Information Systems (GIS)
  • Public transportation
  • safety and winter road maintenance
  • Shortest path algorithms for in-vehicle route guidance systems
  • Travel time modeling and estimation for advanced traveler information systems
  • Connectivity and Internet of Things
  • Operational Artificial Intelligence
  • IoT
  • Application domains

Professor Bruce Hellinga is a Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Waterloo where he teaches undergraduate and graduate level courses in the areas of transportation and economics and conducts and supervises applied and fundamental research. His main areas of expertise include traffic flow theory and modelling, traffic engineering, active transportation, traffic sensor data analytics, transit operations, and ITS. He has over 25 years of experience in the field of traffic engineering and ITS and during that time has authored more than 125 refereed technical publications. Professor Hellinga has conducted fundamental and applied research for and in partnership with a wide range of public and private sector entities.


  • Traffic simulation modelling
  • Traffic flow theory
  • Intelligent transportation systems
  • Road safety
  • Traffic operations and control
  • Wireless road conditions monitoring
  • Traffic engineering and transport systems analysis
  • Transportation engineering
  • Travel time reliability - measuring and estimating
  • Use of Connected Vehicle data for traffic management

Prof. Pejoohan Tavassoti is an Assistant Professor and the Jr. Norman W. McLeod Chair in Sustainable Pavement Engineering at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Waterloo, where he is closely working with the Centre for Pavement and Transportation Technology (CPATT). Prior to joining the University of Waterloo, Prof. Tavassoti worked as an Assistant Research Professor at the Thomas D. Larson Transportation Institute of the Pennsylvania State University. His research revolves around promoting sustainability and resilience of the transportation infrastructure with a focus on an enhanced pavement engineering, design, and materials characterization framework. To this end, he has been actively working on collaborative research with several colleagues from across Canada and internationally for over the past 12 years. In 2020, Prof. Tavassoti was elected to serve a 5-year term as the vice chair of the Ontario Asphalt Expert Task Group (OAETG), where he is currently working with experts from the academia, transportation industry, government agencies, municipalities, and consultants to address some of the pressing issues affecting the quality of the pavement network in Canada.
At the international level, Prof. Tavassoti is an active member of the International Union of Laboratories and Experts in Construction Materials, Systems and Structures (RILEM). At RILEM, he is serving as the leader of the bituminous binders fingerprinting Task Group of the TC FBB. In this capacity, he is working with experts from over 18 different countries on utilizing advanced materials characterization techniques and Artificial Intelligence to bridge the gap between the chemo-physical properties of the bituminous mixes and their performance characteristics. Prof. Tavassoti is also the co-founder of the National Transportation Infrastructure Research Center (NTIRC) at the K.N.Toosi University of Technology, where he used to serve as the core faculty member until 2012.


  • Smart Pavements and Connected Transportation Infrastructure
  • Sustainable Materials and Green Construction Technologies
  • Modern Pavement Instrumentation
  • Implications of Climate Change for Pavement Design and Assest Management
  • Non-destructive Testing and Evaluation (NDT\/E)
  • Advanced Construction Materials Characterization
  • Recycled Materials Valorization in Pavements
  • Application of Nanotechnology
  • Enhanced Pavement Design and Performance Prediction
  • Application of Artificial Intelligence to Pavement Engineering Problems
  • 3D Printing of Cementitious Materials
  • Multistakeholder Planning in Pavement Engineering and Management

Professor Susan Tighe currently holds an Endowed Chair in Sustainable Pavement Engineering, is a founding member of the Centre for Pavement and Transportation Technology (CPATT) at the University of Waterloo. Prior to assuming the Director role which she has held since September 2010, she served as the CPATT Associate Director of Research and Technology from 2005 to 2010. She is a past Canada Research Chair in Pavement and Infrastructure Management. She is a member of the inaugural class of the New College of Scholars of the Royal Society of Canada and was named one of Canada's Top 40 Under 40 for her leadership and vision with respect to the Canadian Transportation Community. She has also received the prestigious Ontario Society of Professional Engineers (OSPE) and Professional Engineers Ontario (PEO), Research & Development Medal, the Transportation of Canada Academic Merit Award, Inaugural Bleeds Black Award from the Ontario Hot Mix Producers Association and Inaugural Region of Waterloo Top 40 Under 40.

She has successfully completed over 40 graduate students since starting at the University of Waterloo in 2000, many of whom are now in academic, public and private sector leadership positions. She is an author of over 400 technical publications in pavements and infrastructure, including being the principal investigator on the 2013 Transportation Association of Canada Pavement Asset Design and Management Guide and is involved in a number of national and international research projects. She has been involved with projects in Africa, India, Chile, India, China, Australia, New Zealand and throughout North America. Dr. Tighe worked for the Ministry of Transportation Ontario prior to pursuing a career in academia. During sabbaticals she has spent time in Australia working for a contractor, and has also received academic Fellowships including the Erskine Fellowship at the University of Canterbury in New Zealand, the U.K. Royal Academy of Engineering at the University of Nottingham in England and the Queensland Pavement Center located at the University of the Sunshine Coast in Australia.


  • pavement design and management
  • asphalt pavements
  • material characterization
  • life cycle cost analysis
  • airport engineering
  • sustainability
  • green roads and climate change
  • concrete pavements
  • pavement performance modelling
  • infrastructure Management
  • maintenance
  • advanced manufacturing
  • smart infrastructure