Liping Fu

Liping FuBiography summary
Liping Fu is a Civil and Environmental Engineering Professor, a faculty member in the Transport Systems Research Group, and Director of the Innovative Transportation System Solutions (iTSS) Lab at the University of Waterloo.
iTSS creates several products and software related to transportation. Professor Fu and Professor Frank Saccomanno, also of UWaterloo, designed GradeX - a decision-support tool that can be used by railway safety engineers in Canada to identify crossing hotspots, evaluate countermeasures, and prioritize safety improvement projects.
SimParatransit is another product of iTSS and has been has been playing a vital role in North America by providing equitable transportation service to the elderly and handicapped population, who have difficulty accessing regular public transit systems. Unlike regular fixed-route transit, paratransit commonly uses small to medium sized vehicles to provide shared-ride, door-to-door service with flexible routes and schedules.
Professor Fu has contributed to several areas of intelligent transportation systems, public transit, road safety, and winter road maintenance. He has provided technical services to many transportation agencies, including Transport Canada, Ministry of Transportation Ontario (MTO), and several Canadian municipalities. Professor Fu is also the principal investigator of many winter snow and ice control related projects funded by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council(NSERC), MTO, Landscape Ontario, and salt institute.
Professor Fu has served on numerous technical committees of various professional organizations, such as the Transportation Research Board’s Committee and the Editorial Advisory Board of the Journal of Transportation Research. Additionally, he was the past Chair of the Transportation Division of Canadian Society for Civil Engineering.
As a result of his work, Professor Fu received the Transportation Association of Canada (TAC)'s 2011 Academic Merit Award for his long-term contribution to the development of the academic field.
Research interests
- Intelligent transportation systems
- Transportation planning
- System optimization
- Paratransit scheduling and service planning
- Traffic safety analysis
- Winter road maintenance
- Traffic engineering and transport systems analysis
- Transportation Engineering
- Artificial Intelligence
- Geographical Information Systems (GIS)
- Public transportation
- safety and winter road maintenance
- Shortest path algorithms for in-vehicle route guidance systems
- Travel time modeling and estimation for advanced traveler information systems
- Connectivity and Internet of Things
- Operational Artificial Intelligence
- IoT
- Application domains
- 1996, Doctorate, Transportation Engineering, University of Alberta
- 1987, Master's, Road and Traffic Engineering, Tongji University
- 1984, Bachelor's, Road and Traffic Engineering, Tongji University
- CIVE 343 - Traffic Simulation Modelling and Applications
- Taught in 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024
- CIVE 640 - Urban Transportation Planning Models: Principles & Applications
- Taught in 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024
- CIVE 646 - Computer Applications in Transportation Engineering
- Taught in 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024
* Only courses taught in the past 5 years are displayed.
In the news
- Prof awarded funding for rail safety research project
- Prof awarded funding for rail safety research project
Graduate studies
- Currently considering applications from graduate students. A completed online application is required for admission; start the application process now.