Future students
The department administers four Bachelor of Applied Science (BASc) degree programs - Architectural Engineering, Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering and Geological Engineering.
Architectural Engineering
With buildings accounting for 40% of our country's energy consumption, the urbanized world faces a demand for engineers technically skilled in the whole scope of a building's life cycle. Our Architectural Engineering program combines architectural design with building engineering to produce an engineer with the ability to picture the whole scope of building design, construction, assessment and refurbishment. The unique backbone of the program is the Design Studio course which runs each term throughout the degree.
Civil Engineering
Civil engineers design and maintain the massive infrastructure which today's society depends upon: roads, buildings, bridges, dams, tunnels, levees, sewer systems, and water treatment plants. Guiding the future of our infrastructure, Civil Engineers currently direct the spending of more than one tenth of Canada's gross national product, more than any other professional group. The Civil engineering program at Waterloo is both challenging and fulfilling, with a great deal of flexibility: students get to customize their degree with a large number of technical electives in structural, transportation, geotechnical, and water/environmental engineering.
Environmental Engineering
Environmental engineers have classically been charged with treating the water we drink and cleaning up or preventing pollution of our air, water, and soil. The field now additionally addresses how to secure a sustainable future through the application of science and technology. Simply put, if you want to fix many of the world's environmental problems, environmental engineering is the profession to get it done! Current environmental engineering class sizes at Waterloo range from 40-50 students, providing ample opportunity to work closely with environmental faculty and learn in a stimulating, interactive environment.
Geological Engineering
Geological Engineering is the application of geological knowledge to the siting, design, construction, operation and maintenance of civil engineering structures and facilities. It is one of the rapidly growing fields of engineering reflecting society’s developing interest in the stewardship of the environment, managing risk, and creating a safer world. Geological Engineering at Waterloo is an attractive discipline for students who wish to pursue the challenge of combining the complexity of nature and engineering design, who are interested in the physical mechanics of the earth’s surface and subsurface, who enjoy travel and the outdoors.