Ongoing projects

Surface Water

  • Polar terrestrial freshwater: State and flow to the ocean
    •  Environment Canada IPY, (A. Pietroniro, R. Soulis, and others) (2007-2011)
  • Development of the TILE approach: A near-surface lateral-flow interface for hydrological, atmospheric and groundwater models
    • NSERC Discovery Grant-Individual (R. Soulis) (2008-2011)
  • IP3: Improved Processes and Parameterisation for Prediction in cold regions
    • CFCAS (J. Pomeroy, R. Soulis, B. Tolson, and others) (2006-2009)
  • Quantifying the uncertainty in modelled estimates of future extreme precipitation events
    • CFCAS (D. Burn, S. Simonovic) (2008-2009)
  • Revision and regionalization of MTO Intensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF) curves for extreme flow estimates
    • Ontario Ministry of Transportation (R. Soulis, D. Burn) (2008-2009)
  • A National System for Water Vapour Estimation Using GPS and Applications
    • NCE-GEOIDE, (S. Skone, R. Soulis and others) (2005-2008)
  • Estimation of Hydrologic Extremes
    • NSERC Discovery Grant-Individual, (D. Burn) (2004-2008)

Ground Water

  • Mixed local and regional-scale groundwater flow modeling
    • NSERC Discovery Grant-Individual, (J. Craig) (2007-2011)
  • Impact of Climate Change on Canadian Water Resources
    • Canadian Water Network (E.A. Sudicky, J. Sykes, and others) (2008-2011)
  • Evolution of deep groundwater flow systems in typical Canadian shield settings
    • Nuclear Waste Management Organization (J. Sykes and E. Sudicky) (2008-2010)
  • Groundwater plume formation and remediation of modern gasoline fuels in the subsurface
    • NSERC - CRD (N. Thomson and others) (2005-2009)
  • Quantifying effectiveness of nutrient land application options within regional aquifer systems and municipal wellhead protection areas
    • Ontario MOE (N. Thomson and D. Rudolph) (2007-2008)
  • In situ dipole flow & reactive tracer tests
    • Ontario MOE - Best In Science / Ontario Centres of Excellence (N. Thomson) (2007-2008)
  • Optimizing ex-situ contaminant extraction
    • Ontario Centres of Excellence (N. Thomson) (2007-2008)
  • Pathogen transport in the vicinity of the Thornton municipal well field
    • Canadian Water Network (D. Rudolph, N. Thomson and others) (2007-2008)
  • Uncertainty methods for groundwater flow and transport modeling
    • NSERC Discovery Grant-Individual, (J. Sykes) (2006-2008)

Numerical Modelling and Analysis Methods

  • Uncertainty analysis of environmental simulation models
    • NSERC Discovery Grant-Individual (B. Tolson) (2007-2011)

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