Research Interests

I am a cognitive researcher with interests in chronic stress, inflammation and their association with cognitive decline in middle age and older adults. Additionally, I am interested in how changes in cortisol from trauma throughout the lifespan may impact cognition and cognitive structures, and increase risk for dementia. I am specifically interested in how all these relationships may differ in vulnerable populations, particularly refugees.
My current research projects investigate: 1) the risks of inflammatory disease and corticosteroid interventions on cognitive function and structure and 2) the risks of chronic stress and inflammation on cognitive outcomes in immigrant and non-immigrant adults.
BA (Hons) 2012, Psychology, University of Guelph
MSc 2019, Human Development and Family Studies (Minor: Gerontology), Purdue University
Thesis: Multimorbidity and Cognitive Decline in Aging Adults
PhD (c) expected 2023, School of Public Health Sciences (Aging, Health, and Well-being), University of Waterloo
Thesis: The Enduring Effects of Stress: Inflammation and Cognitive Function in Older Immigrant and Non-Immigrant Canadians
Peer-Reviewed Publications
- Shorey, C.L., Mulla, R, & Mielke, J.G. Effects of exogenous glucocorticoids as treatment for inflammatory diseases on the brain’s structures and functions: A systematic review. Brain Research, 148157.
- Kirkham, J., Shorey, C.L., Iaboni, A., Quirt, H., Grigorovitch, A., Astell, A., Lin, E., & Maxwell, C. (2022). Staff perceptions of the consequences of COVID-19 on quality of dementia care for residents in Ontario long-term care homes. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 37, 1-13.
- Armstrong, S.E.M, Brown, H.K., Shorey, C., Madan, R., Szabuniewicz, C., Koh, S., Crépeau-Gendron, G., & Mah, L. (2019). No association between trazodone and QTc prolongation in older adults. Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology, 39, 528-530.
- Friedman, E.M., & Shorey, C. (2019). Inflammation in multimorbidity and disability: An integrative review. Health Psychology, 38, 791-801.
- Crépeau-Gendron, G., Brown, H.K., Shorey, C., Madan, R., Szabuniewicz, C., Koh, S., Veinish, S., & Mah, L. (2019). Association between citalopram, escitalopram and QTc Prolongation in a real-world geriatric setting. Journal of Affective Disorders, 250, 341-345.
Peer-Reviewed Conference Presentations
Shorey, CL, Mielke, JG, Adel, S, Buttemer, S, Maxwell, CJ and Tyas, SL. Does psychological distress predict poorer cognitive function in refugee, immigrant, and non-immigrant older adults? American Public Health Association (APHA) 2022 Annual Meeting and Expo, Boston, MA. November 6-9, 2022.
Shorey, CL, Mielke, JG, Buttemer, S, Adel, S, Maxwell, CJ and Tyas, SL. Does psychological distress affect memory performance in older refugee, immigrant, and non-immigrant Canadians? Canadian Association of Gerontology (CAG) 51st Annual Scientific and Educational Meeting, Regina, SKOctober 20-22, 2022.
Shorey, CL, Mielke, JG, Buttemer, S, Adel, S, Maxwell, CJ and Tyas, SL. Do chronic conditions mediate the association between stress-induced inflammation and cognitive function? Findings from the Canadian Longitudinal Study of Aging. Canadian Association of Gerontology (CAG) 51st Annual Scientific and Educational Meeting, Regina, SKOctober 20-22, 2022.
Shorey, C.L., Mulla, R. & Mielke, J.G. Might long-term glucocorticoid therapy affect brain regions related to dementia? A systematic review of the research landscape. 2021 Rotman Research Institute Conference, Toronto, ON, March 22-23 & 26, 2021.
- Shorey, C.L., & Friedman, E.M. Chronic conditions and executive function decline in aging adults. Chronic conditions and executive function decline in aging adults. Canadian Public Health Association, October 14-16, 2020.
- Shorey, C.L., & Friedman, E.M. Multimorbidity and cognitive decline in a national sample of aging adults. Gerontological Society of America, Boston, MA, November 14-18, 2018.
- Mah, L., Ali, A., Szabuniewicz, C.M., Shorey, C., Anderson, N.D., Verhoeff, N.P.L.G., & Herrmann, N. Psychological profiles of older adults with subjective cognitive decline and association with delayed verbal recall. Alzheimer's Association International Conference, Chicago, IL, July 22-26, 2018.
Teaching Experience
Guest Lectures:
- Effects of biopsychosocial stress on systemic inflammation and cognitive function in aging refugee, non-refugee immigrant, and non-immigrant Canadians. Invited Guest Lecture. Undergraduate course: Intro to Neuroscience. University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada. December 2022
- Death and dying/ Advanced care planning. Invited Guest Lecturer. Undergraduate course: Sociology of Aging, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada. March 2000-2022
- What is a good death? Invited Guest Lecturer. Undergraduate course: Aging and Health, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada. September 2021
- Stress and sleep in older refugees. Invited Guest Lecturer. Undergraduate course: Aging and Health, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada. October 2021
- Stress and cognition in older refugees, immigrants, and non-immigrant Canadians. Invited Guest Lecturer. Master’s course: MSc Public Health Milestone, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada. November 2021
- Generational Diversity. Invited Guest Lecturer. Undergraduate course: Diversity in the Family, Purdue University, Purdue, IN, US. October 2018
Teaching Assistant:
- Fall 2019-20, 2022
- HLTH 303: Program Planning and Evaluation; SPHS, University of Waterloo
- Winter 2021, 2022
- HLTH 606B: Principles of Epidemiology for Public Health; SPHS, University of Waterloo
- Spring 2020-2022
- HLTH 671: Population Intervention for Disease Prevention and Health Promotion; SPHS, University of Waterloo
- Canadian Association on Gerontology Travel Award, Fall 2022
- Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS), Spring 2022
- President's Scholarship, Spring 2022
- Network of Aging Research (NAR) Catalyst Grant (Co-PI), Spring 2021
- Applied Health Sciences (AHS) Entrance Award, University of Waterloo, Spring 2020
- IPPH-CPHA Travel Award, CIHR and CIHR Institute of Population and Public Health, Spring 2020
- J. Alan George Student Leadership Award, University of Waterloo, Fall 2019
- Provost Doctoral Entrance Award for Women, University of Waterloo, Fall 2019
- Above and Beyond Award, Purdue University, Spring 2019