Noon Hour Online Concert: Double Double Bass

Wednesday, February 16, 2022 12:30 pm - 12:30 pm EST (GMT -05:00)

Talia Hatcher
Ian Whitman
While the spotlight is often given to their cellist colleagues, double bassists never shy away from a feature since the instrument’s rich timbre makes for a delightful acoustical treat. KW Symphony stand-mates Talia and Ian, supported by Guelph key and law expert Elliott, present music from a variety of eras, bass music and transcriptions, familiar and obscure. The audience will even discover how a group of French composers in the 19th century created their own “fake news”…

This video will be released as a Grebel Youtube Premiere on February 16, at 12:30pm.  It will remain on the site until the end of term.

Ian Whitman & Talia Hatcher - double bass
Elliott Braganza, piano
