Dillon T. Browne, Mark Wade, Shealyn S. May, Jennifer M. Jenkins, & Heather Prime (2020; Unpublished)
To measure the impacts and stressors related to the COVID-19 Pandemic, our team created the COVID-19 Life Changes Scale.
This scale is comprised of four pre-scale items, and three sub-scales:
- COVID-19 Family Stressor Scale (CoFaSS)
- COVID-19 Benefits and Coping Scale
- COVID-19 Social Distancing Scale
For scale items and further information, please see below.
Validation of these scales is currently in progress. Monitor this website for updates, as information on the scale will be added on an ongoing basis.
***This scale has been created by and is property of Dillon T. Browne, Mark Wade, Shealyn S. May, Jennifer M. Jenkins, & Heather Prime. Use of this scale, in partial or complete form, is not allowed without the authors' permission. To request permission to use this scale, please contact our team at wholefamilylab@uwaterloo.ca***
Property of Dillon T. Browne, Mark Wade, Shealyn S. May, Jennifer M. Jenkins, & Heather Prime. Published on this site: November 18, 2020. Updated: April 26, 2021.