Symposium papers – "Global finance and the agrifood sector: Risk and regulation”, publication ‘early view’

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Oane Visser, Jennifer Clapp and S. Ryan Isakson edited a special issue for the Journal of Agrarian Change: “Global finance and the agrifood sector: Risk and regulation”, which is now available online as an ‘Early View’.

This symposium introduction brings together two debates; the debate on global food prices and speculation, and the debate on so-called global ‘land investment’ or ‘land grabbing’. Both debates are examining two sides of the same phenomenon – the growing role of private financial investors in the global agri-food value chains and the myriad consequences of it. The symposium moves beyond the identification of finance as an exogenous factor to the trends in the sector. It examines real-life incarnations of finance in the sector by looking at investment arrangements, including connections with the state, and its (regional) variations. The symposium addresses three main themes. First, it explores the interplay of the state and private finance. It shows that the effect of regulation is limited in the face of increasingly mobile and complex investment flows. Second, it addresses the shifts and transfigurations of risk in the agri-food sector due to financialization. Third, the symposium discusses to what extent, and how, the origins and identity of farmland investors still matters within an increasingly globalized financial sector. The paper concludes by identifying some related areas for further research.

This symposium partly comes out of the conference ‘Finance, Food and Farmland’, held at the ISS, The Hague, The Netherlands on 25 January 2014, which was supported by European Research Council grant 313871.

Abstract and additional information has been sourced from Wiley Online Library: