We have developed and used a variety of simulators for experiments studying human-machine interaction.
Simulators provide a safe and well-controlled environment for studying human factors. The human data collected from such experiments are used to build and validate human performance models. The modelling approach can quantitatively predict human factors constructs including performance, mental workload, and situation awareness. The models can be used to test human performance theories and also serve as engineering tools for the analysis and prediction of human performance.
- Driving simulators: The Open Racing Car Simulator (TORCS) human experiment version, OpenDS, CARLA.
- Flight simulators: X-Plane.
- Cognitive architectures for human performance modelling: adaptive control of thought - rational (ACT-R), queueing network-adaptive control of thought rational (QN-ACTR).
- Human-machine interface simulation in domains such as power plant control room and process industry procedural tasks.
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