Enterprise Change Management
Welcome to Enterprise Change Management at the University of Waterloo, your primary source for change management support, information, tools, resources and programming.
The University of Waterloo’s strategic plan, Connecting Imagination with Impact, acknowledges we live in an era of rapid change and institutionally are built on a foundational “willingness to take risks and embrace new approaches”. We acknowledge that to remain competitive, to respond to challenges, both external and internal, and to prepare for our future, the University of Waterloo needs to be flexible, resilient, and agile. In essence, the University of Waterloo needs to adapt and adopt to change.
Supporting this realization and under the direction of the Director Strategy and Operations, our Change Management Prosci certified representative offers a campus wide streamlined approach to supporting employees through change initiatives.
Our Change Management Prosci certified representatives mission is to support the leader by:
Offering a consistent approach to Change Management
Managing change in a transparent and effective way
Engaging and consulting with those impacted by the change
Minimizing the perceived negative impacts of the change
Helping employees build internal capacity for managing change with a goal of increasing the success of change initiatives
Whether you are a manager experiencing a change firsthand or are responsible for initiating one, there are a number of resources and services available to you.
Learn more about Change Management at Waterloo: watch our micro learning video on Understanding Change Management!