Investigating the function of novel enzymes in lipid metabolism 

Professor Robin Duncan’s research team has two major areas of emphasis.

  1. Novel enzymes in lipid metabolism:  We combine approaches in functional genomics, molecular biology, biochemistry, and cellular and comparative physiology to investigate the function of novel enzymes in lipid metabolism. This has led to exciting discoveries on the regulation of cardiolipin in mitochondria, with implications for understanding normal health and disease.
  2. Bioactive lipids: We study effects of bioactive lipids on health and disease. Some of these are made endogenously by the novel enzymes that we study, and we work to understand how they affect the function of cells, organs, and the body. Some of these are related nutraceutical and pharmaceutical molecules, such as cannabinoids and psilocybin, which we study for effects on normal health, and for the treatment of chronic diseases (e.g.  Infections, inborn errors of metabolism, diabetes, obesity, etc).

Meet our people

Robin E. Duncan

Principal Investigator, Associate Professor

Professor Duncan completed her BSc (Hons) at the University of Guelph (Biological Sciences), followed by a PhD at the University of Toronto (Nutritional Sciences), and a Postdoctoral Fellowship at the University of California, Berkeley (Nutritional Science).