Video Resources

Aging and Dementia

Remote video URL

Downloadable Tip Sheet

Aging with Dementia in Indigenous Communities

Remote video URL

Dementia and Emergency Response: Engaging with a Person Living with Dementia

Remote video URL

First Responders' Techniques: Critical Steps to Take for a Dementia-Friendly Encounter

Remote video URL

Interactive Quiz

Assess your learning so far from the above videos here. No grades, just for your own purposes! 

The Risk of Going Missing

Remote video URL

Part 1: Introduction to Search and Rescue

Remote video URL

Advanced Concepts in Search and Rescue

Remote video URL

Urban Search and Rescue

Remote video URL

Interactive Quiz

Assess your learning so far from the above videos here. No grades, just for your own purposes! 

Preventing Missing Incidents

Remote video URL

Interactive Quiz

Assess your learning so far from the above videos here. No grades, just for your own purposes!