Classification scheme: XXVI-3.3
Series 3: Conrad Grebel University College Presidents
Subseries 3: Ralph Lebold (1979-1989)
Vol.1: 1979-1989, Aca-Fac
- Academic Affairs Committee minutes, 1980/81
- Academic Affairs Committee minutes, 1984
- Academic Dean, memos, etc., 1979/80
- Academic Dean, memos, etc., 1980/81
- Administrative Executive Council minutes, memos, 1976-1980
- Administrative Stipends Committee minutes, report, 1979
- Administrative Team minutes, memos, 1979/80
- Administrative Team minutes, memos, 1981-1982
- Advertising and Promotion, 1974-1981
- Annual report, President’s report to the Board, memos, etc., 1980 (moved to Series 2, sub-series 1, Annual reports)
- Annual report, President’s report to the Board, memos, etc., 1981 (moved to Series 2, sub-series 1, Annual reports)
- Annual report, President’s report to the Board, memos, etc., 1982 (moved to Series 2, sub-series 1, Annual reports)
- Annual report, President’s report to the Board, memos, etc., 1983-1984 (moved to Series 2, sub-series 1, Annual reports)
- Ad hoc Committee to Study Board Structure minutes, 1979
- Board of Governors minutes, reports, correspondence, 1980
- Board of Governors minutes, reports, correspondence, 1981
- Board of Governors minutes, reports, correspondence, 1982-1984
- Board of Governors minutes, reports, correspondence, 1983-1984
- Budget, misc., 1979/80
- Budget, misc., 1980/81
- Business affairs, misc., 1979-1981
- Computing Services, (U. of W.), 1981-1984
- Conrad Grebel Review correspondence, subscription form, 1983
- Convocation programs, correspondence, 1979-1981
- Convocation programs, correspondence, 1982-1983
- Correspondence – Chris Redmond (Gazette), 1980
- Correspondence – Church colleges, 1980-1982
- Correspondence, misc., 1979-1981
- Dean of Students, misc., 1974-1979
- Dean of Students, misc., 1980-1989
- Eastern Mennonite College correspondence, 1980-1984
- Faculty memos, correspondence, 1979-1981
- Faculty appointments – Policy and procedures, 1972
- Faculty Council misc. memos, agenda, 1979/80
- Faculty Council misc. memos, minutes, 1980/81
Vol. 2: 1979-1989, Fac-Uni
- Faculty Council misc. memos, minutes, 1981/82
- Faculty and staff lists, misc., 197-1980; Long range planning report mockup, 1979
- Finance Committee minutes, memos, 1980-1981
- Finance Committee statements, minutes, 1982-1983
- Funding formula, misc., 1979-1980
- Goshen College correspondence, 1982-1984
- Job descriptions, 1980
- Messiah College correspondence, 1974/75
- Misc. minutes, reports, etc., 1980-1983
- Music – misc. course information, memos
- Personnel Committee minutes, etc., 1983-1984
- Policy – Beverage Policy for Rental Groups, 1980
- Presidential Review Committee minutes, reports, 1982-1984
- Project Ploughshares, 1981
- Promotions – Recommendations and Policy, 1980-1981
- Religious Studies Dept. minutes, memos, 1980
- Religious Studies Dept. minutes, memos, 1981
- Rockway Mennonite Collegiate correspondence, etc., 1977-1983
- Speaker’s Bureau lists, 1980-1983
- University of Waterloo Courier, 1980-1983
- University of Waterloo – honorary degrees – Senate Nominations Committee minutes, 1980-1983
- University of Waterloo Information Services, 1980-1983
- University of Waterloo misc., 1979-1981
- University of Waterloo Senate minutes, 1980
- University of Waterloo Senate minutes, 1981
- University of Waterloo Senate minutes, 1982
- University of Waterloo Senate Executive minutes, 1981
Vol. 3: 1979-1989, Aca-Dea (early 1980s)
- Academic Affairs Committee minutes, memos, 1981-1982
- Academic Affairs Committee minutes, memos, 1982-1985
- Academic Dean correspondence, memos, 198182
- Administrative Team minutes, memos, 1982-1983
- Admissions and Aid Committee minutes, correspondence, 1980/81
- Admissions and Aid Committee minutes, correspondence, 1981/82
6a. Advertising, 1979-1982 - Anabaptist-Mennonite Studies correspondence, memos, 1979
- Arts Faculty minutes, memos, 1981
- Arts Faculty memos, misc., 1982-1983
- Assistant to the President memos, minutes, correspondence, 1980/81
- Assistant to the President memos, minutes, correspondence, 1981/82
- Assistant to the President memos, minutes, correspondence, 1982/83
- Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada, 1979-1982
- Board Executive Committee minutes, memos, 1981-1984
- Brubacher House minutes, correspondence, memos, 1979-1980
- Budget – Financial statements, etc., 1981/82
- Budget – Financial statements, etc., 1982/83
- CGC Bulletins
- Calendar, 1979-1982
- Canadian Association of Mennonite Schools correspondence, minutes, bylaws, mailing list, 1979-1981
- Christian Reformed Church correspondence, minutes, 1978-1983
- Church schools correspondence, misc., 1983-1985
- College Heads minutes, correspondence, 1982-1983
- College-University financial arrangement correspondence, memos, 1979
- Co-ordinating Committee agenda, minutes, 1979-1982
- Dean of Arts correspondence, memos, etc., 1980-1981
- Dean of Students – student lists, memos, correspondence, 1979/80
- Dean of Students – student lists, memos, correspondence, 1980/81
- Dean of Students – student lists, memos, correspondence, 1981/8
- Dean of Students – misc., 1985
Vol. 4: 1979-1989, Ene-New
- Energy Conservation Committee correspondence, 1985-1986
- Faculty activities, misc., 1979-1982
- Faculty Council minutes, memos, agenda, 1981-1983
- Faculty Forum essays, memos, 1981-1983
- Faculty policies, misc., 1980-1981
- Finance Committee memos, statements, 1981/82
- Finance Committee memos, statements, 1982/83
- Financial statements, 1979-1981
- Funding formula correspondence, 1980-1981
- Fund raising correspondence, 1979-1981
- General Conference Mennonite Church correspondence, 1980-1983
- Graduate theological training minutes, correspondence, memos, misc., 1983-1987
- Inter-Mennonite Children’s Choir minutes, correspondence, 1979-1983
13a. Inauguration records, 1979 - Leadership – correspondence, 1981-1982
- Mennonite Board of Education minutes, correspondence, 1980-1983
- MEDA, MIBA correspondence, 1981-1982
- Messiah College reports, 1983-1986
- Ministry of Colleges and University misc., 1977-1981
- Music, misc., 1979-1981
- Music, misc., 1982-1983
- Music – Extra-curricular programs, 1979-1981.
Note: Contents of this file were moved to XXVI-22. - News releases, 1979-1981
Vol. 5: 1979-1989, Pas-Yea
- Pascal Lecture series memos, correspondence, 1985/86
- Peace and Conflict Studies memos, 1982
- Peace and Conflict Studies memos, 1982-1983
- Personnel Committee minutes, correspondence, 1981/82
- Personnel Committee minutes, 1982/83
- President’s Office correspondence, memos, reports, 1980/81
- President’s Office correspondence, memos, reports, 1981/82
- Program teaching, misc., 1981
- Project Ploughshares finances, minutes, correspondence, Ploughshares Monitor, 1982-1983
- Religious Studies Dept. minutes, memos, 1982-1983
- Residential Program misc., 1981
- Salaries – President’s report, memo, correspondence, 1979-1980
- Salaries – memos, correspondence, 1980-1981
- Scholarly journal memos, correspondence, 1979-1983
- Scholarship and Student Aid minutes, memos, 1981-1982
- School of Adult Studies correspondence, minutes, memos, 1980-1983
- Senate memos, minutes, misc. 1982/83
- Senate Executive memos, misc., 1982
- Special occasions memos, programs, 1979-1987
- Stauffer lecture memos, correspondence, 1978-1983
- St. Jerome’s correspondence, memos, 1979-1981
- Ministry of Colleges and Universities correspondence, etc., 1981-1982
- Women’s Association minutes, correspondence, 1980-1985
- Western Ontario and Ontario Mennonite Conference minutes, correspondence, 1979-1983
- Year of the Disabled correspondence, proposal, minutes, 1981-1982
Vol. 6: 1979-1989, Aca-Fac
- Academic Affairs minutes, 1982-1983
- Academic Dean correspondence, reports, 1982/83
- Academic Dean correspondence, reports, 1983/84
- Anniversary celebrations, U. of W., 1982 misc.
- 25th anniversary planning, 1982 misc.
- Assistant to the Dean of Students correspondence, memos, 1983/84
- Assistant to the Dean of Students correspondence, memos, 1980-1982
- Assistant to the Dean of Students correspondence, memos, 1982/83
- Assistant to the President, correspondence, memos, 1984-1986
9a. Bill – Legislative Act Respecting Conrad Grebel College, 1987 - Board Executive minutes, 1982-1983
- Board of Governors reports, 1982-1983
- Budget statements, memos, 1983/84
- Budget statements, memos, 1983/84
- Community Education Program correspondence, memos, 1982-1983
- Church history professor selection, misc. 1980/81
- College Heads correspondence, memos, 1982-1984
- China Educational Exchange minutes, 1981-1984
- Correspondence, 1983-1985
- Correspondence, 1982-1983
- Convocation, 1984-1985
- Constituency publicity, 1979-1983
- Dean of Students correspondence, memos, 1982-1983
- Evaluations – memos, 1981-1984
- Faculty Research Fund correspondence, 1980
- Faculty Research Fund correspondence, 1981-1982
- Faculty Research Fund correspondence, 1983-1984
- Faculty Research Fund misc., 1983-1984
Vol. 7: 1979-1989, Fac-U. of W.
- Faculty Research correspondence, 1984/85
- Fellows Program, 1982/83
- Fellows Program, 1983/84
- Funding formula memos, 1981-1984
- Honorary degrees, Senate Nominating Committee correspondence, memos, 1983/84
- Correspondence Courses, 1981-1984
- Menno Singers misc., 1980-1983
- Messiah College misc. 1986-1988
- Ministry of Colleges and Universities correspondence, etc., 1981/82
- Mennonite Board of Education correspondence, minutes, misc., 1983-1984
- Ministry of Colleges and Universities correspondence, etc., 1982/83
- Ministry of Colleges and Universities correspondence, etc., 1983/84
- Music Dept. memos, correspondence, reports, 1983/84
- New Faculty inquiries, 1980-1982
- News releases, 1982-1986
- Peace and Conflict Studies correspondence, memos, 1979-1984
- Project Ploughshares misc., financial, 1983/84
- Promotions memos, 1979/80
- Recruitment correspondence, memos, 1979-1980
- Religious Studies Dept. minutes, memos, 1983/84
- Research, 1980-1984 misc.
- Research Grants, 1982-1983 memos, correspondence, applications
- Rockway Mennonite School, 1983-1987
- Sabbaticals and Promotions correspondence, memos, 1979-1983
- Salaries, promotions memos, 1979-1983
- Senate minutes, memos, 1983/84
- Senate Executive memos, reports, 1983/84
- U. of Waterloo general information, correspondence, 1983/84
- 25th anniversary programs, etc., 1988
Note: Includes interviewer's notes and a transcript of the interview of J. Winfield Fretz by John Rempel. See Hist.Mss.26.3.1/1 for interview recording.
Vol. 8: 1979-1989, Aca-Sen (1980s)
- Academic Affairs Committee minutes, 1983/84
- Academic Affairs Committee minutes, 1984/85
- Administrative Team minutes, 1984/85
- Anabaptist-Mennonite Studies, 1980-1985
- Arts Faculty memos, misc., 1983/84
- Board Executive Committee minutes, 1984/85
- Board of Governors correspondence, memos, President’s report, 1983/84
- Board of Governors correspondence, memos, President’s report, 1984/85
- Board of Governors correspondence, memos, President’s report, 1985/86
- CGC Board Personnel Committee minutes, 1983/84
- CGC Board Personnel Committee minutes, 1984/85
- Church College Heads misc., 1984/85
- Choir itineration, 1975-1987
- Dean of Students correspondence, etc., 1983/84
- Dean of Students correspondence, etc., 1984/85
- Faculty Research Fund, 1984/85
- Faculty/Fellows Forum essays, memos, 1983/84
- Finance Committee minutes, etc., 1983
- Finance Committee minutes, etc., 1984-1985
- Government grant application, 1973-1975
- Music Dept. Minutes, misc., correspondence, 1984/85
- Peace and Conflict Studies, 1984/85
- Peace and Conflict Studies, 1983/84
- Project Ploughshares, 1984/85
- Promotion Committee, 1975-1983
- Religious Studies, 1984/85
- Senate minutes, 1984/85
- Senate Executive, 1984/85
- Senate Nominating Committee minutes – honorary degrees, 1984/85
Vol. 9: 1979-1989 (late 1980s)
- Annual fund correspondence, etc., 1988-1989
- Academic Affairs Committee, 1976-1984
- Awards Committee, U. of Waterloo, 1983
- Board of Governors memos, minutes, 1988/89
- Board of Governors Executive Committee, 1983/84
- Board of Governors Executive Committee, 1984/85
- Bovey Commission report, 1984
- CMC Task Force on Education, 1981-1984
- Child Care Center - U. of Waterloo, 1982-1987
- Capital fundraising discussions with MCEC, 1987-1989
- College Heads, 1984/85
- College Heads, 1985/89
- College Council, 1988/89
- Correspondence (Misc.), 1985/86
- Development fundraising memos, etc., 1988/89
- Development Advisory Committee minutes, memos, 1988/89
- Employee benefits information, 1980-1989
- Facilities Planning Committee, 1986/87
- Facilities Planning Committee, 1988/89
- Faculty Forum papers, 1984/85
- Faculty Research Fund, 1986/87
- Faculty Research Fund, 1987/88
- Faculty Research Fund, 1988/89
- Fundraising memos, etc., 1986-1988
- Faculty Research Fund, 1985/86
- Federation of Students, 1976-1981
- General Group (UW) meetings, 1975-1991
- Inter-Mennonite Media Group correspondence, 1984
- Ministry of Colleges and Universities, 1986-1988
- Ontario Mennonite Student Services, 1972-1981
- Pace Setter campaign, 1988-1989
- PACS Faculty Group, 1981-1984
- Potential Contributors, 1987-1989
- University of Waterloo correspondence, 1982-1989
Vol. 10: 1979-1989 (late 1980s) plus additional files
- Potential faculty, 1984/85
- Professional Women’s Association (UW) -- Correspondence, 1983, 1989
- Project Ploughshares, 1985/86
- Registration, 1974-1982
- Residence program, 1979
- Sabbaticals and Promotions, 1984-1988
- Sabbaticals and Promotions, 1988/89
- Senate -- Correspondence, 1985
- Tenure -- Misc. memos, 1981-1984
- UGAG (UW) -- Memos, 1976-1983
- USSR Study Tour - Correspondence, 1977-1979
- Watfund, 1980-1983
- Watfund, 1983-1986
- Conrad G. Brunk, 1976-1986
- Leonard J. Enns, 1988-1981
- Frank H. Epp, 1971-1986 (merged into Series 10, sub-series 9, Personnel files)
- Walter Klaassen, 1963-1986 (merged into Series 10, sub-series 9, Personnel files)
- Helen Martens, 1973-1980 (merged into Series 10, sub-series 9, Personnel files)
- Wilbur Maust, 1977-1980 (merged into Series 10, sub-series 9, Personnel files)
- John W. Miller, 1974-1986 (merged into Series 10, sub-series 9, Personnel files)
- Thomas R. Yoder Neufeld, 1984
- Werner Packull, 1982-1986
- Calvin W. Redekop, 1981 (merged into Series 10, sub-series 9, Personnel files)
- Ernie Regehr, 1977
- Henry J. Regehr, 1985
- John Rempel, 1973-1989 (merged into Series 10, sub-series 9, Personnel files)
- Rod Sawatsky, 1973-1980 (merged into Series 10, sub-series 9, Personnel files)
- Nelson Scheifele, 1984 (merged into Series 10, sub-series 9, Personnel files)
- Lorna Schwartzentruber, 1986-1988 (merged into Series 10, sub-series 9, Personnel files)
- Annual reports to President, 1982/83 (moved to Series 2, sub-series 1, Annual reports)
- Annual reports to President, 1984/85 (moved to Series 2, sub-series 1, Annual reports)
- Annual reports to President, 1985/86 (moved to Series 2, sub-series 1, Annual reports)
- Mennonite Credit Union, 1981-1983 (CONFIDENTIAL)
- MCC Service Education project, 1985
- Waterloo Lutheran Seminary, 1982-1987
- Women in Ministry Conference, 1982
- Council of Mennonite College Presidents, 1980-1985
- Religious Studies 274, "Religious Approaches to Personel Crises" 1984
- Presidential Installation files, 1973, 1979
- Woldemar Neufeld correspondence, 1978-1990
- Mennonite Distorter fundraising letter, 1987