Ralph Lebold

Classification scheme: XXVI-3.3

Series 3: Conrad Grebel University College Presidents
Subseries 3: Ralph Lebold (1979-1989)

Vol.1: 1979-1989, Aca-Fac

  1. Academic Affairs Committee minutes, 1980/81
  2. Academic Affairs Committee minutes, 1984
  3. Academic Dean, memos, etc., 1979/80
  4. Academic Dean, memos, etc., 1980/81
  5. Administrative Executive Council minutes, memos, 1976-1980
  6. Administrative Stipends Committee minutes, report, 1979
  7. Administrative Team minutes, memos, 1979/80
  8. Administrative Team minutes, memos, 1981-1982
  9. Advertising and Promotion, 1974-1981
  10. Annual report, President’s report to the Board, memos, etc., 1980 (moved to Series 2, sub-series 1, Annual reports)
  11. Annual report, President’s report to the Board, memos, etc., 1981 (moved to Series 2, sub-series 1, Annual reports)
  12. Annual report, President’s report to the Board, memos, etc., 1982 (moved to Series 2, sub-series 1, Annual reports)
  13. Annual report, President’s report to the Board, memos, etc., 1983-1984 (moved to Series 2, sub-series 1, Annual reports)
  14. Ad hoc Committee to Study Board Structure minutes, 1979
  15. Board of Governors minutes, reports, correspondence, 1980
  16. Board of Governors minutes, reports, correspondence, 1981
  17. Board of Governors minutes, reports, correspondence, 1982-1984
  18. Board of Governors minutes, reports, correspondence, 1983-1984
  19. Budget, misc., 1979/80
  20. Budget, misc., 1980/81
  21. Business affairs, misc., 1979-1981
  22. Computing Services, (U. of W.), 1981-1984
  23. Conrad Grebel Review correspondence, subscription form, 1983
  24. Convocation programs, correspondence, 1979-1981
  25. Convocation programs, correspondence, 1982-1983
  26. Correspondence – Chris Redmond (Gazette), 1980
  27. Correspondence – Church colleges, 1980-1982
  28. Correspondence, misc., 1979-1981
  29. Dean of Students, misc., 1974-1979
  30. Dean of Students, misc., 1980-1989
  31. Eastern Mennonite College correspondence, 1980-1984
  32. Faculty memos, correspondence, 1979-1981
  33. Faculty appointments – Policy and procedures, 1972
  34. Faculty Council misc. memos, agenda, 1979/80
  35. Faculty Council misc. memos, minutes, 1980/81

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Vol. 2: 1979-1989, Fac-Uni

  1. Faculty Council misc. memos, minutes, 1981/82
  2. Faculty and staff lists, misc., 197-1980; Long range planning report mockup, 1979
  3. Finance Committee minutes, memos, 1980-1981
  4. Finance Committee statements, minutes, 1982-1983
  5. Funding formula, misc., 1979-1980
  6. Goshen College correspondence, 1982-1984
  7. Job descriptions, 1980
  8. Messiah College correspondence, 1974/75
  9. Misc. minutes, reports, etc., 1980-1983
  10. Music – misc. course information, memos
  11. Personnel Committee minutes, etc., 1983-1984
  12. Policy – Beverage Policy for Rental Groups, 1980
  13. Presidential Review Committee minutes, reports, 1982-1984
  14. Project Ploughshares, 1981
  15. Promotions – Recommendations and Policy, 1980-1981
  16. Religious Studies Dept. minutes, memos, 1980
  17. Religious Studies Dept. minutes, memos, 1981
  18. Rockway Mennonite Collegiate correspondence, etc., 1977-1983
  19. Speaker’s Bureau lists, 1980-1983
  20. University of Waterloo Courier, 1980-1983
  21. University of Waterloo – honorary degrees – Senate Nominations Committee minutes, 1980-1983
  22. University of Waterloo Information Services, 1980-1983
  23. University of Waterloo misc., 1979-1981
  24. University of Waterloo Senate minutes, 1980
  25. University of Waterloo Senate minutes, 1981
  26. University of Waterloo Senate minutes, 1982
  27. University of Waterloo Senate Executive minutes, 1981

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Vol. 3: 1979-1989, Aca-Dea (early 1980s)

  1. Academic Affairs Committee minutes, memos, 1981-1982
  2. Academic Affairs Committee minutes, memos, 1982-1985
  3. Academic Dean correspondence, memos, 198182
  4. Administrative Team minutes, memos, 1982-1983
  5. Admissions and Aid Committee minutes, correspondence, 1980/81
  6. Admissions and Aid Committee minutes, correspondence, 1981/82
    6a. Advertising, 1979-1982
  7. Anabaptist-Mennonite Studies correspondence, memos, 1979
  8. Arts Faculty minutes, memos, 1981
  9. Arts Faculty memos, misc., 1982-1983
  10. Assistant to the President memos, minutes, correspondence, 1980/81
  11. Assistant to the President memos, minutes, correspondence, 1981/82
  12. Assistant to the President memos, minutes, correspondence, 1982/83
  13. Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada, 1979-1982
  14. Board Executive Committee minutes, memos, 1981-1984
  15. Brubacher House minutes, correspondence, memos, 1979-1980
  16. Budget – Financial statements, etc., 1981/82
  17. Budget – Financial statements, etc., 1982/83
  18. CGC Bulletins
  19. Calendar, 1979-1982
  20. Canadian Association of Mennonite Schools correspondence, minutes, bylaws, mailing list, 1979-1981
  21. Christian Reformed Church correspondence, minutes, 1978-1983
  22. Church schools correspondence, misc., 1983-1985
  23. College Heads minutes, correspondence, 1982-1983
  24. College-University financial arrangement correspondence, memos, 1979
  25. Co-ordinating Committee agenda, minutes, 1979-1982
  26. Dean of Arts correspondence, memos, etc., 1980-1981
  27. Dean of Students – student lists, memos, correspondence, 1979/80
  28. Dean of Students – student lists, memos, correspondence, 1980/81
  29. Dean of Students – student lists, memos, correspondence, 1981/8
  30. Dean of Students – misc., 1985

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Vol. 4: 1979-1989, Ene-New

  1. Energy Conservation Committee correspondence, 1985-1986
  2. Faculty activities, misc., 1979-1982
  3. Faculty Council minutes, memos, agenda, 1981-1983
  4. Faculty Forum essays, memos, 1981-1983
  5. Faculty policies, misc., 1980-1981
  6. Finance Committee memos, statements, 1981/82
  7. Finance Committee memos, statements, 1982/83
  8. Financial statements, 1979-1981
  9. Funding formula correspondence, 1980-1981
  10. Fund raising correspondence, 1979-1981
  11. General Conference Mennonite Church correspondence, 1980-1983
  12. Graduate theological training minutes, correspondence, memos, misc., 1983-1987
  13. Inter-Mennonite Children’s Choir minutes, correspondence, 1979-1983
    13a. Inauguration records, 1979
  14. Leadership – correspondence, 1981-1982
  15. Mennonite Board of Education minutes, correspondence, 1980-1983
  16. MEDA, MIBA correspondence, 1981-1982
  17. Messiah College reports, 1983-1986
  18. Ministry of Colleges and University misc., 1977-1981
  19. Music, misc., 1979-1981
  20. Music, misc., 1982-1983
  21. Music – Extra-curricular programs, 1979-1981.
    Note: Contents of this file were moved to XXVI-22.
  22. News releases, 1979-1981

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Vol. 5: 1979-1989, Pas-Yea

  1. Pascal Lecture series memos, correspondence, 1985/86
  2. Peace and Conflict Studies memos, 1982
  3. Peace and Conflict Studies memos, 1982-1983
  4. Personnel Committee minutes, correspondence, 1981/82
  5. Personnel Committee minutes, 1982/83
  6. President’s Office correspondence, memos, reports, 1980/81
  7. President’s Office correspondence, memos, reports, 1981/82
  8. Program teaching, misc., 1981
  9. Project Ploughshares finances, minutes, correspondence, Ploughshares Monitor, 1982-1983
  10. Religious Studies Dept. minutes, memos, 1982-1983
  11. Residential Program misc., 1981
  12. Salaries – President’s report, memo, correspondence, 1979-1980
  13. Salaries – memos, correspondence, 1980-1981
  14. Scholarly journal memos, correspondence, 1979-1983
  15. Scholarship and Student Aid minutes, memos, 1981-1982
  16. School of Adult Studies correspondence, minutes, memos, 1980-1983
  17. Senate memos, minutes, misc. 1982/83
  18. Senate Executive memos, misc., 1982
  19. Special occasions memos, programs, 1979-1987
  20. Stauffer lecture memos, correspondence, 1978-1983
  21. St. Jerome’s correspondence, memos, 1979-1981
  22. Ministry of Colleges and Universities correspondence, etc., 1981-1982
  23. Women’s Association minutes, correspondence, 1980-1985
  24. Western Ontario and Ontario Mennonite Conference minutes, correspondence, 1979-1983
  25. Year of the Disabled correspondence, proposal, minutes, 1981-1982

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Vol. 6: 1979-1989, Aca-Fac

  1. Academic Affairs minutes, 1982-1983
  2. Academic Dean correspondence, reports, 1982/83
  3. Academic Dean correspondence, reports, 1983/84
  4. Anniversary celebrations, U. of W., 1982 misc.
  5. 25th anniversary planning, 1982 misc.
  6. Assistant to the Dean of Students correspondence, memos, 1983/84
  7. Assistant to the Dean of Students correspondence, memos, 1980-1982
  8. Assistant to the Dean of Students correspondence, memos, 1982/83
  9. Assistant to the President, correspondence, memos, 1984-1986
    9a. Bill – Legislative Act Respecting Conrad Grebel College, 1987
  10. Board Executive minutes, 1982-1983
  11. Board of Governors reports, 1982-1983
  12. Budget statements, memos, 1983/84
  13. Budget statements, memos, 1983/84
  14. Community Education Program correspondence, memos, 1982-1983
  15. Church history professor selection, misc. 1980/81
  16. College Heads correspondence, memos, 1982-1984
  17. China Educational Exchange minutes, 1981-1984
  18. Correspondence, 1983-1985
  19. Correspondence, 1982-1983
  20. Convocation, 1984-1985
  21. Constituency publicity, 1979-1983
  22. Dean of Students correspondence, memos, 1982-1983
  23. Evaluations – memos, 1981-1984
  24. Faculty Research Fund correspondence, 1980
  25. Faculty Research Fund correspondence, 1981-1982
  26. Faculty Research Fund correspondence, 1983-1984
  27. Faculty Research Fund misc., 1983-1984

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Vol. 7: 1979-1989, Fac-U. of W.

  1. Faculty Research correspondence, 1984/85
  2. Fellows Program, 1982/83
  3. Fellows Program, 1983/84
  4. Funding formula memos, 1981-1984
  5. Honorary degrees, Senate Nominating Committee correspondence, memos, 1983/84
  6. Correspondence Courses, 1981-1984
  7. Menno Singers misc., 1980-1983
  8. Messiah College misc. 1986-1988
  9. Ministry of Colleges and Universities correspondence, etc., 1981/82
  10. Mennonite Board of Education correspondence, minutes, misc., 1983-1984
  11. Ministry of Colleges and Universities correspondence, etc., 1982/83
  12. Ministry of Colleges and Universities correspondence, etc., 1983/84
  13. Music Dept. memos, correspondence, reports, 1983/84
  14. New Faculty inquiries, 1980-1982
  15. News releases, 1982-1986
  16. Peace and Conflict Studies correspondence, memos, 1979-1984
  17. Project Ploughshares misc., financial, 1983/84
  18. Promotions memos, 1979/80
  19. Recruitment correspondence, memos, 1979-1980
  20. Religious Studies Dept. minutes, memos, 1983/84
  21. Research, 1980-1984 misc.
  22. Research Grants, 1982-1983 memos, correspondence, applications
  23. Rockway Mennonite School, 1983-1987
  24. Sabbaticals and Promotions correspondence, memos, 1979-1983
  25. Salaries, promotions memos, 1979-1983
  26. Senate minutes, memos, 1983/84
  27. Senate Executive memos, reports, 1983/84
  28. U. of Waterloo general information, correspondence, 1983/84
  29. 25th anniversary programs, etc., 1988
    Note: Includes interviewer's notes and a transcript of the interview of J. Winfield Fretz by John Rempel. See Hist.Mss.26.3.1/1 for interview recording.

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Vol. 8: 1979-1989, Aca-Sen (1980s)

  1. Academic Affairs Committee minutes, 1983/84
  2. Academic Affairs Committee minutes, 1984/85
  3. Administrative Team minutes, 1984/85
  4. Anabaptist-Mennonite Studies, 1980-1985
  5. Arts Faculty memos, misc., 1983/84
  6. Board Executive Committee minutes, 1984/85
  7. Board of Governors correspondence, memos, President’s report, 1983/84
  8. Board of Governors correspondence, memos, President’s report, 1984/85
  9. Board of Governors correspondence, memos, President’s report, 1985/86
  10. CGC Board Personnel Committee minutes, 1983/84
  11. CGC Board Personnel Committee minutes, 1984/85
  12. Church College Heads misc., 1984/85
  13. Choir itineration, 1975-1987
  14. Dean of Students correspondence, etc., 1983/84
  15. Dean of Students correspondence, etc., 1984/85
  16. Faculty Research Fund, 1984/85
  17. Faculty/Fellows Forum essays, memos, 1983/84
  18. Finance Committee minutes, etc., 1983
  19. Finance Committee minutes, etc., 1984-1985
  20. Government grant application, 1973-1975
  21. Music Dept. Minutes, misc., correspondence, 1984/85
  22. Peace and Conflict Studies, 1984/85
  23. Peace and Conflict Studies, 1983/84
  24. Project Ploughshares, 1984/85
  25. Promotion Committee, 1975-1983
  26. Religious Studies, 1984/85
  27. Senate minutes, 1984/85
  28. Senate Executive, 1984/85
  29. Senate Nominating Committee minutes – honorary degrees, 1984/85

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Vol. 9: 1979-1989 (late 1980s)

  1. Annual fund correspondence, etc., 1988-1989
  2. Academic Affairs Committee, 1976-1984
  3. Awards Committee, U. of Waterloo, 1983
  4. Board of Governors memos, minutes, 1988/89
  5. Board of Governors Executive Committee, 1983/84
  6. Board of Governors Executive Committee, 1984/85
  7. Bovey Commission report, 1984
  8. CMC Task Force on Education, 1981-1984
  9. Child Care Center - U. of Waterloo, 1982-1987
  10. Capital fundraising discussions with MCEC, 1987-1989
  11. College Heads, 1984/85
  12. College Heads, 1985/89
  13. College Council, 1988/89
  14. Correspondence (Misc.), 1985/86
  15. Development fundraising memos, etc., 1988/89
  16. Development Advisory Committee minutes, memos, 1988/89
  17. Employee benefits information, 1980-1989
  18. Facilities Planning Committee, 1986/87
  19. Facilities Planning Committee, 1988/89
  20. Faculty Forum papers, 1984/85
  21. Faculty Research Fund, 1986/87
  22. Faculty Research Fund, 1987/88
  23. Faculty Research Fund, 1988/89
  24. Fundraising memos, etc., 1986-1988
  25. Faculty Research Fund, 1985/86
  26. Federation of Students, 1976-1981
  27. General Group (UW) meetings, 1975-1991
  28. Inter-Mennonite Media Group correspondence, 1984
  29. Ministry of Colleges and Universities, 1986-1988
  30. Ontario Mennonite Student Services, 1972-1981
  31. Pace Setter campaign, 1988-1989
  32. PACS Faculty Group, 1981-1984
  33. Potential Contributors, 1987-1989
  34. University of Waterloo correspondence, 1982-1989

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Vol. 10: 1979-1989 (late 1980s) plus additional files

  1. Potential faculty, 1984/85
  2. Professional Women’s Association (UW) -- Correspondence, 1983, 1989
  3. Project Ploughshares, 1985/86
  4. Registration, 1974-1982
  5. Residence program, 1979
  6. Sabbaticals and Promotions, 1984-1988
  7. Sabbaticals and Promotions, 1988/89
  8. Senate -- Correspondence, 1985
  9. Tenure -- Misc. memos, 1981-1984
  10. UGAG (UW) -- Memos, 1976-1983
  11. USSR Study Tour - Correspondence, 1977-1979
  12. Watfund, 1980-1983
  13. Watfund, 1983-1986
  14. Conrad G. Brunk, 1976-1986
  15. Leonard J. Enns, 1988-1981
  16. Frank H. Epp, 1971-1986 (merged into Series 10, sub-series 9, Personnel files)
  17. Walter Klaassen, 1963-1986 (merged into Series 10, sub-series 9, Personnel files)
  18. Helen Martens, 1973-1980 (merged into Series 10, sub-series 9, Personnel files)
  19. Wilbur Maust, 1977-1980 (merged into Series 10, sub-series 9, Personnel files)
  20. John W. Miller, 1974-1986 (merged into Series 10, sub-series 9, Personnel files)
  21. Thomas R. Yoder Neufeld, 1984
  22. Werner Packull, 1982-1986
  23. Calvin W. Redekop, 1981 (merged into Series 10, sub-series 9, Personnel files)
  24. Ernie Regehr, 1977
  25. Henry J. Regehr, 1985
  26. John Rempel, 1973-1989 (merged into Series 10, sub-series 9, Personnel files)
  27. Rod Sawatsky, 1973-1980 (merged into Series 10, sub-series 9, Personnel files)
  28. Nelson Scheifele, 1984 (merged into Series 10, sub-series 9, Personnel files)
  29. Lorna Schwartzentruber, 1986-1988 (merged into Series 10, sub-series 9, Personnel files)
  30. Annual reports to President, 1982/83 (moved to Series 2, sub-series 1, Annual reports)
  31. Annual reports to President, 1984/85 (moved to Series 2, sub-series 1, Annual reports)
  32. Annual reports to President, 1985/86 (moved to Series 2, sub-series 1, Annual reports)
  33. Mennonite Credit Union, 1981-1983 (CONFIDENTIAL)
  34. MCC Service Education project, 1985
  35. Waterloo Lutheran Seminary, 1982-1987
  36. Women in Ministry Conference, 1982
  37. Council of Mennonite College Presidents, 1980-1985
  38. Religious Studies 274, "Religious Approaches to Personel Crises" 1984
  39. Presidential Installation files, 1973, 1979
  40. Woldemar Neufeld correspondence, 1978-1990
  41. Mennonite Distorter fundraising letter, 1987

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