The Mennonite Archives of Ontario includes records for a number of volunteer and service organizations. Many of these organizations may have originated from within or alongside the various church conferences. The largest of these organizations is Mennonite Central Committee.
Many programs, such as Victim-Offender Ministries, Ten Thousand Villages, Canadian Foodgrains Bank, Mennonite Mental Health Services, had their origin in MCC programs before being spun off as their own agencies.
Each Canadian province from Quebec west also has a provincial MCC office. The Mennonite Archives of Ontario is the official depository for Mennonite Central Committee Ontario.
XIV - Mennonite Central Committee
XXVI - Conrad Grebel University College
The Mennonite Archives of Ontario is also the depository for the records of Conrad Grebel University College.
XV - Mennonite Organizations and Institutions
Below is a full list of other organizational and institutional collections held by the Mennonite Archives of Ontario:
- Canadian Mennonite Board of Colonization
- Chesley Lake Camp Association
- Mennonite World Conference
- House of Friendship (Kitchener, Ont.)
- Golden Rule Gospel Messengers
- Golden Rule Bookstore (Provident Bookstore)
- Mennonite Mutual Aid
- Music Groups
- Menno Singers
- Misc. Choral Groups
- Joint MC/GCMC Hymnal Committee
- Mennonite Choral Society (Waterloo County)
- Wilmot Fellowship Chorus
- Mennonite Hour
- Non-Conference Missions
- Miscellaneous
- Northern Light Gospel Missions
Scope and content: Duplicate copies of the Northern Light Gospel Missions Newsletter (the most complete set is located in the Milton Good Library holdings). Two pieces of routine correspondence, one with information about a young (in 1954) Indigenous guide named Absolum Moose. A transcript of the "Fairwind's Drum" episode of the CBC Radio show Ideas, 1993; includes excerpts from an interview with Gary Butikofer, who taught school at Poplar Hill Development School in the 1970s; copy of a booklet on "Child Discipline" produced in the 1960s. Copies of The Focus newsletter published jointly with Northern Youth Programs, Mar 2024, [Fall 2024?].
- Conference of Historic Peace Churches
- Conference of Historic Peace Church Records
- Non-Resistant Relief Organization
- Ailsa Craig Boy's Farm (Craigwood)
- Military Problems Committee
- Mennonite Disaster Service
- Canadian Fellowship Service
- Historic Peace Church Council of Canada
- Mennonite Radio Mission
1. Sermon reprints from "The Abundant Life," [19--],1959-1968
Custodial history: Received from Frank H. Epp.
Note: See also "The Dynamics of a Strong Life : and 214 other radio talks given on The Abundant Life, 1958-1963" / Frank H. Epp. A copy is located in the Milton Good Library. - Rescue Missions
- Hebrew Mission
- Goodwill Hall/Goodwill Crusade (Kitchener, Ont.)
- Inter-Mennonite
- Inter-Mennonite projects
- Inter-Mennonite Fellowship
- Mennonite Medical Association
Note: Consisted of issues of the periodical Mennonite Medical Messenger. Moved to the Milton Good Library. - Canadian Mennonite Association
- Eastern Mennonite College
- Bluffton College
- Seminaries
- Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary (and predecessors)
- Institute of Mennonite Studies
- Canadian Mennonite Bible College
- Goshen College
- Reports & releases
- Catalogs
- Hesston College
- Mennonite High Schools outside Ontario
- Misc.
- Rosthern Junior College
- Mennonite Brethren Collegiate Institute
- Mennonite Educational Institute
- Westgate Mennonite Collegiate
- Bethel College
- Council of Mennonite Colleges
- Mennonite Credit Unions
- Mennonite Savings & Credit Union
- Niagara Credit Union
- Mennonite Historical Society of Ontario
- Mennonite Historical Society of Canada
- The Mennonite Story, Inc.
- Elim Christian Education Centre
- Mennonite Foundation
- Mennonite Schools of Nursing
- St. Clair O'Connor Community
- Canadian Mennonite Publishing Service
- Mennonite Camping Association
- Menno Travel Service
- Council of Moderators and Secretaries
- Mennonite Home Association of York County (Parkview)
- Conscience Canada
- Canadian Inter-Mennonite Consultation (1975)
- Waterloo Mennonite Homes, Inc.
- Festival of Joy (1975)
- Misc. conferences
- Mennonite Community Association
- Other Mennonite Historical Societies
- Canadian Mennonite Health Assembly
- Council of International Ministries
- Mennonite Radio and Television Committee
- Joint Executive Committee of Mennonite Conference of Ontario & Quebec and Western Ontario Mennonite Conference
- Minutes
- Correspondence
- Special Committees
- Welcome Inn (Hamilton)
- Christian Aid for Romania/Christian Aid Ministries of Waterloo (s.c.)
- Mennonite Nurses Association of Ontario
- Mennonite Bicentennial Commission
- Church hockey leagues
- Eastwood Mennonite Community Homes Inc.
- Canadian Mennonite Photo Series
- Mennonites of Atlantic Provinces
- Toronto Mennonite Theological Centre
- Central Mennonite Immigration Committee = Das Zentrale Mennonitische Immigrantenkomitee
- Readers' Ink Bookshop
63.1 70th Anniversary Dankfest Committee - Abundant Life Conference
- Association of Conscientious Objectors
- Parkwood Mennonite Home (Parkwood Manor)
- Mennonite Coalition for Refugee Support
- Ontario Mennonite Music Camp
- Schürch Family Association of North America
- Warden Woods Community Centre
- Detweiler Meetinghouse, Inc.
- The Secret Church drama project
- International Mennonite Memorial Committee for the Former Soviet Union (s.c.)
- Mennonite Publishing Company (Elkhart, Ind.) (s.c.)
- Hymnal Council
- Inter-Mennonite Singles Retreat (s.c.)
- The Anabaptist Trail. (s.c.) - This route in the Swiss Jura through the Chasseral park was developed in cooperation with the Swiss Mennonite Conference, Regional Nature Park Chasseral, and Cultural Routes of Switzerland. - Contains a brochure, introductory letter and poster.
- Mennonite Churches of Cambridge (s.c.) - Preston Mennonite Church and Wanner Mennonite Church co-operated to publish a calendar for the year 2000, marking the bicentennial of the Mennonite presence in Cambridge, Ont. Titled "Celebrating the birth of the Mennonite church in Cambridge (1800-2000)", it contains reproductions of photographs, maps and a timeline. The group also held several events in 2000. - Calendar donated to the archives in 2012 by Marion Roes. Bicentennial event records and photograph album donated in 2017 by Sherwood Hagey.
- Mennonite Heritage Village (s.c.) - Site Guide, 2012.
- Conrad Press
- Markham Mennonite Council (s.c.)
- MennoHomes Inc.
Scope and content: Tenth anniversary materials, including promotional video (DVD) and program, 2011 - Mennonite Community Services Ontario (s.c.)
- Mennonite Peace and Arbitration Association (s.c.)
- Sanctuary Coalition of Kitchener Waterloo (s.c.)
- Seniors for Peace (s.c.)
- Theatre of the Beat
- Foundation Series (s.c.)
Scope and content: "A bit of history" / Paul M. Lederach, 1976 - Africa Inter-Mennonite Mission (s.c.)
- Christian Peacemaker Teams (Canada)
- Canada East Fellowship Retreat
- League of Torchbearers Boys Clubs
- Crossroads (s.c.)
- Mennonite and Brethren in Christ Resource Centre
- Power and Authority in the Mennonite Church consultations (s.c.)
- Menno House Association
- Society for the Preservation of the Samuel Bechtel Burial Ground
- Millbank Information Centre (s.c.)
See also Maurice Martin. "Mennonite Tourism as Witness." Ontario Mennonite History XXII no.2 (November 2004).