David Grant is a current PhD student in the School of Public Health Sciences at the University of Waterloo under the supervision of Dr. Chris Perlman, where he is focusing his research on treatment, assessment and conceptualization of Black peoples' Mental Health and Illness. Some of his research interests include substance misuse, psychotic, mood and trauma disorders, suicidology, global mental health, geriatric mental health, psychosomatic research and psychometric research.
David is also a registered social worker with a Masters in Social work and specialized knowledge in psychiatric illnesses including addictions, particularly for Black people of the African Diaspora. David’s research is particularly grounded in his clinical work as he concurrently operates his own private psychotherapy practice. Additionally, David previously worked as a social worker in an ethnospecific program for Black youth entitled the Substance Abuse Program for African Canadian and Caribbean Youth (SAPACCY), a concurrent disorders program in the Child, Youth and Emerging Adult department of the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH).