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Negus, K. ., Yovanovich, M. ., & Thompson, J. . (1988). Constriction Resistance of Circular Contacts on Coated Surfaces: Effect of Boundary Conditions. In Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer: Vol. 2 (Vol. 2, pp. 158-164). N/A.
Lemczyk, T. ., & Yovanovich, M. . (1988). Thermal Constriction Resistance with Convection Boundary Conditions: 2. Layered Half-space Contacts. In Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer: Vol. 31 (Vol. 31, pp. 1873-1883). John Wiley & Sons.
Yovanovich, M. . (1988). General Expression for Forced Convection Heat and Mass Transfer From Isopotential Spheroids. In AIAA 26th Aerospace Sciences Meeting (pp. 1-11). Reno, NV: AIAA Paper No. 88-0743.
Negus, K. ., & Yovanovich, M. . (1988). Correlation of the Gap Conductance Integral for Conforming Rough Surfaces. In Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer: Vol. 2 (Vol. 2, pp. 279-281). N/A.
Song, S. ., Yovanovich, M. ., & Goodman, F. . (1988). Thermal Gap Conductance of Conforming Surfaces in Contact, Part I: Theory. In 10th Symposium on Thermophysical Properties (pp. 1-16). Gaithersburg, MD: N/A.
Lee, S. ., & Yovanovich, M. . (1988). Laminar Natural Convection From a Vertical Plate with Variations in Surface Heat Flux. In ASME National Heat Transfer Conference: Vol. 96 (Vol. 96). Houston, TX: N/A.
Fast, D. ., Yovanovich, M. ., & Culham, J. . (1988). Correlation of Thermal Parameters Influencing the Differences Between One and Two Dimensional Conduction Within PCB's. In Cooling Technology for Electronic Equipment, Hemisphere Publishing Corporation (pp. 505-512). New York: N/A.
Song, S. ., & Yovanovich, M. . (1988). Thermal Gap Conductance of Conforming Surfaces in Contact, Part II: Experimental Results. In 10th Symposium on Thermophysical Properties (pp. 1-14). Gaithersburg, MD: N/A.
Song, S. ., & Yovanovich, M. . (1988). Relative Contact Pressure: Dependence on Surface Roughness and Vickers Microhardness. In Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer: Vol. 2 (Vol. 2, pp. 43-47). N/A.