Recent Teams Updates

Wednesday, April 5, 2023
by Jamie Shigeishi

Microsoft has released some new features in Teams including, an improved search experience, mentioning everyone in a chat, and viewing the full chat conversation thread when searching Teams. Detailed information about the updates can be found below:  

Scheduled send

Want chat messages to be sent at a time convenient to your colleagues? Well, now you can! In both the desktop and mobile versions of Teams you can now schedule messages in chats to be sent at a specific date and time. You also have the ability to edit and delete messages before they’re scheduled to be sent.

For more information see Schedule chat messages in Teams - Microsoft Support

Searching your current location  

Instead of having to sort through search results from across Teams, you can now search within a particular Teams chat or channel. To do this press Ctrl + F (for Windows) or cmd + F (for MacOS).

Mention everyone in a chat

Similar to how you can @mention individuals in a chat, you now have the ability to mention all the users in a chat. Simply type @everyone in your message to the chat and a notification will be sent to all the users in the chat.

For more information see Use @mentions to get someone's attention in Teams - Microsoft Support

View the full chat conversation thread

Previously, when searching for a message in Teams, clicking on a result would take you to a view that only displayed the selected message. Now, when you click on a message search result, you will be able to view the full chat thread allowing you to get the full context of the conversation around the message result.