Current Research Team
Founding Director of the Multicom Research Lab

Prof. En-hui Yang, Professor, IEEE Fellow, and Canada Research Chair in Information Theory and Multimedia Compression
PhD students
Master's students
- Hossam Amer (PhD, April 2020) " Image/Video Compression: Human and Computer Vision Perspectives "
- Chang Sun (PhD., April 2014)
"DCT-based Image/Video Compression: New Design Perspectives " - Yueming Gao (MS., April 2014, now with Ericsson Canada, Ottawa)
"Application of a Bi-Geometric Transparent Composite Model to HEVC: Residual Data Modelling and Rate Control" - Mahshad Eslamifar (MS., December 2013, now with DBRS, Toronto)
"On Causal Video Coding with Possible Loss of the First Encoded Frame" - James Ho (co-supervised by Professor Pin-Han Ho, PhD, September 2013, now with Goldman Sachs, New York)
"Joint Source Channel Coding in Broadcast and Relay Channels: A Non-Asymptotic End-to-End Distortion Approach" - Jin Meng (PhD, Feburary 2013, now Post-Doctoral Fellow with Multicom Research Lab)
"Coding Theorems via Jar Decoding" - Lin Zheng (PhD, Feburary 2012, now with Magnum Semiconductor, Inc., Waterloo)
"Rate Distortion Theory for Causal Video Coding: Characterization, Computation Algorithm, Comparison, and Code Design" - Krishna Rapaka (MS., January 2012, now with Qualcomm., Califoria, USA.)
- Jie Zhang (co-supervised by Professor Liang-liang Xie, MS., December 2011, now with Ericsson Canada, Ottawa)
"Investigation on the Compress-and-Forward Relay Scheme" - Krzysztof Hebel (MS., November 2010, now with Magnum Semiconductor, Inc., Waterloo)
" R-D Optimal Scalable Video Coding Using Soft Decision Quantization" - Fei Teng (MS., August 2010, now a PhD student in Northwestern University, USA)
"Optimal Multiresolution Quantization for Broadcast Channels with Random Index Assignment" - Abir Mukherjee (MS., August 2008)
"Visual Attention-based Small Screen Adaptation of H.264 Video" - Xiang Yu (PhD, January 2008)
"Image and Video Coding/Transcoding: A Rate Distortion Approach" - Hui Zha (MS., January 2008, now with Xyratex, Kitchener.)
"Progressive Lossless Image Compression Using Image Decomposition and Context Quantization" - Xudong Ma (PhD, December 2007)
"On constructing low-density parity-check codes" - Jiao Wang (MS., June 2007, now with AMD.)
"An Efficient Motion Estimation Method For H.264-Based Video Transcoding With Arbitrary Spatial Resolution Conversion" - Guixing Wu (PhD, 2006)
"On the Design and Analysis of Quantization-Based Digital Watermarking Systems" - Wei Sun (PhD, July 2006, now with Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories, Boston)
"Joint Compression and Digital Watermarking: Information-Theoretic Study and Algorithms Development" - Nguyen Nguyen (MS, 2005)
"Loss Discrimination for Improved Throughput Performance in Heterogeneous Networks" - Jingming Xu (MS, 2005)
"Rate-distortion Optimization for Audio Coding with Complete MP3 and AAC Decoder Compatibility" - Da-ke He (PhD, 2003, now with Research In Motion, Waterloo. )
"Grammar-Based Codes: from Context-Free to Context-Dependent" - Alexei Kaltchenko (PhD, 2003, now with Wilfrid Laurier University, ON)
"Universal Data Compression: from Classical to Quantum" - Jianfen Zeng (MS, 2003, now with Zhongshan Univ., China)
"Color Image Quantization with PNG Decoder Compatibility" - Akshay Nanduri (MS, 2003, now with SlipStream, ON)
"The Iterative Yang-Kieffer Algorithm" - Yaojun Wu (MS, 2003)
"Concatenated Trellis Coding and Interleaver Design" - Yunwei Jia (PhD, 2002, now with LSI Logic, ON)
"On the Design and Analysis of Grammar-Based Data Compression Algorithms" - Steven Chan (MS, 2002, now with SlipStream, ON)
"Computational Complexity of Multidimensional Linear Prediction for Dense Regions" - Jianghong Guo (MS, 2001)
"Analysis and Design of Lossless Bi-Level Image Coding Systems" - Rui Xu (MS, 2001) "Multiuser Detectors Using Partial PIC and Annealing NN for MC-CDMA Systems in Indoor Rayleigh Fading Channels"
Previous members
- Haibing Yin (Professor at China Jiliang University, Hangzhou), Visiting Scholar
- Dr. Mehdi Torbatian, Post-Doc, Now with Ignis innovation inc., Waterloo.
- Prof. Yuan Luo (Shanghai Jiaotong University), visiting scholar.
- Shenghao Yang [web] [e-mail] (Post-Doc., Nov. 2008 - Oct. 2009)
- Prof. Zhen Zhang (University of Southern California, Los Angeles), Visiting Scholar
- Dr. Haiquan Wang, now at Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China
- Dr. Lushen Chen, Visiting Scholar