Nanotechnology Engineering startup SannTek’s cannabis detector smokes the competition

Monday, January 29, 2018

members of the startup company Sanntek
Nanotechnology Engineering students Chris Taylor, Noah DeBrincat, Karolyn Mackowiak, Ben Milligan and Thomas Dunlop are enjoying the University of Waterloo’s entrepreneurial advantage as they develop their fourth-year Capstone Design project into a commercial venture.

Their startup company, SannTek, is developing a nanotechnology-enabled sensor that can rapidly detect and quantify an individual’s degree of marijuana intoxication. SannTek’s invention is a timely solution to assist with Canada’s impending plans for marijuana legalization this July. It has the potential to be used in law enforcement applications, just as a breathalyzer is used to determine alcohol impairment today.

While working through the University of Waterloo’s Velocity Science and BET entrepreneurship programs, SannTek has been busy competing for funding that will support the development of their marijuana breathalyzer. They have been successful on many fronts, winning prizes from the following competitions:

With this infusion of funding, SannTek is developing their prototype’s core technology and validating the information they have collected on their target customers.

Stay tuned to watch these fourth-year Nanotechnology Engineering students move through the entrepreneurial process, developing their marijuana breathalyzer and the company that will support its commercialization.