Canadian Cap and Trade Simulation
This serious game is a simulation of a carbon trading system in a Canadian jurisdictional context. Learners take on the role of either the regulator, responsible for configuring the market and oversight, or a regulated emitter that needs to comply with the regulations. As a result of playing the game, successful learners will be able to: explain how cap-and-trade works as a policy mechanism to achieve emissions reductions and appreciate the roles and strategies that can be adopted by the various stakeholders in a cap-and-trade system.
The Spongy Bog 360 VR Field Trip Project
Not all students are able to go on field trips. Waterloo's Faculty of Environment, Centre for Extended Learning (CEL) and Centre for Teaching Excellence (CTE) are helping students experience Spongy Bog without leaving their computers.
The Spongy Bog Field Trip uses 360VR and Virtual Tour technology to introduce students to the characteristics and function of a “bog or fen” ecosystem and place this in the context of climate change since the last ice age and expected change induced by global warming.
This field trip is highlighted in the Educause Horizons Report 2020. Check out page 29!
More information about the Spongy Lake Field Trip.
Spongy Lake Field Trip