Welcome to Poulin Research Group

The oceans cover two thirds of the world’s surface and act as a reservoir to store heat. They are forced at planetary scales on the order of 1,000,000 metres (examples are heating by the sun and tides generated by the moon) but the dissipation occurs at scales of 0.000001 metres.  In this vast range of length scales there are many interesting dynamical processes that contribute to the transfer of energy down from the planetary scales to the micro-scales.  Understanding all of these together is an impossible task even with the world’s most powerful computers.  However, we can do idealized process studies to unravel some of nature’s secrets and then piece together the different components to better comprehend what occurs in the oceans.  These scientific questions are of great interest in their own right but also play an important role in understanding the ocean’s role in climate and in general how it exchanges properties with the atmosphere.


Wednesday, June 17, 2015

AOFD Meeting

At the 20th Conference on Atmospheric and Oceanic Fluid Dynamics Prof Poulin presented:

"The Stability of Oceanic Shallow Water Fronts" (talk)

and Ben Storer presented

"The occurrance of Yanai waves in constrained geometries" (poster)

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Paper Submitted

The following paper was submitted for publication.

M. Chanona, F.J. Poulin and J. Yawney, "The Stability of Oceanic Fronts in a Shallow Water Model" (2014), Journal of Fluid Mechanics

Friday, September 12, 2014

Paper submitted

The following paper was submitted for publication.

Borissov, A., Storer, B.A., Poulin, F.J. and Stastna, M., (2014), A Shallow Water Model of the Solar Tachocline: A Numerical Approach to Determine Wave Structure, Astronomy & Astrophysics