MASc (University of Waterloo)
BSc (University of Waterloo)
University of Waterloo, Department of Mechanical Engineering
200 University Avenue West, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, N2L 3G1
E-mail: andrew.katz@uwaterloo.ca
I was born in 1991 in Toronto, Ontario. I completed my bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering at University of Waterloo in 2014, and my masters degree at the same university in 2017.
Research Interests
My research is in the kinematic and mechanistic modelling of the gear shaping process with the end goal of supporting process optimization to reduce cycle time while increasing or maintaining part quality.
Hobbies and Activities
I spend most of my free time gardening, hiking, and playing with my dog. I also enjoy playing squash.
Teaching Experience
- ME 548 - Numerical Control of Machine Tools - Fall 2015 (Teaching Assistant), Spring 2015 (Teaching Assistant)
- MTE 360 - Automatic Control Systems - Winter 2015 (Teaching Assistant)
- AGMA Foundation Scholarship Award (2015)
- Teaching Assistant Excellence Award (Winter 2015)
Journal Articles
Azvar, M., A. Katz, J. Van Dorp, and K. Erkorkmaz, "Chip geometry and cutting force prediction in gear hobbing", CIRP Annals, vol. 70, issue 1, pp. 95-98, 2021.
McCloskey, P., A. Katz, L. Berglind, K. Erkorkmaz, E. Ozturk, and F. Ismail, "Chip geometry and cutting forces in gear power skiving", CIRP Annals, vol. 68, issue 1, pp. 109-112, 2019.
Katz, A., K. Erkorkmaz, and F. Ismail, "Virtual Model of Gear Shaping—Part I: Kinematics, Cutter–Workpiece Engagement, and Cutting Forces", Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, vol. 140, issue 7, pp. 071007, 2018.
Katz, A., K. Erkorkmaz, and F. Ismail, "Virtual Model of Gear Shaping—Part II: Elastic Deformations and Virtual Gear Metrology", Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, vol. 140, issue 7, pp. 071008, 2018.
Erkorkmaz, K., A. Katz, Y. Hosseinkhani, D. Plakhotnik, M. Stautner, and F. Ismail, "Chip geometry and cutting forces in gear shaping", CIRP Annals, vol. 65, issue 1, pp. 133-136, 2016.
Conference Papers
- Katz, A., Y. Yang, K. Erkorkmaz, and F. Ismail, "Elastic Deformation and Profile Deviations in Gear Shaping", 6th International Conference on Virtual Machining Process Technology (VMPT), Montréal, Canada, 2017.
- Katz, A., Y. Hosseinkhani, D. Plakhotnik, M. Stautner, K. Erkorkmaz, and F. Ismail, "Cutting force prediction in gear shaping process using discrete solid modeller", 5th International Conference on Virtual Machining Process Technology (VMPT), Taipei, Taiwan, 2016.
- Hosseinkhani, Y., A. Katz, D. Plakhotnik, M. Stautner, K. Erkorkmaz, and F. Ismail, "A Geometric Framework for Cutting Force Prediction in Gear Shaping Process", 4th International Conference on Virtual Machining Process Technology (VMPT), Vancouver, Canada, 2015.