The Analysis group is one of the main research groups in Pure Mathematics at the University of Waterloo, and a number of our faculty and students have won research and/or teaching awards.
The current research interests of the Analysis group include
- operator theory
- operator algebras
- classical and abstract harmonic analysis
- fractal geometry
- non-commutative and free probability theory
- random matrices
- linear algebra
- functional equations and information theory
The Analysis group runs both research and learning seminars, teaches a variety of graduate courses, and is host to several visitors, postdoctoral fellows and graduate students.
Faculty members in the Analysis group and their areas of research
- Brannan, Michael - Operator algebras, representation theory, quantum algebra, quantum information theory, mathematical physics
- Davidson, Kenneth R. - Operator theory and operator algebras
- Forrest, Brian E. - Abstract harmonic analysis
- Hare, Kathryn E. - Classical and abstract harmonic analysis, fractal geometry
- Kennedy, Matthew - Operator algebras and functional analysis
- Marcoux, Laurent W. - Operator theory and operator algebras
- Ng, Che Tat - Functional equations, inequalities and information theory
- Nica, Alexandru - Non-commutative probability and random matrices, operator algebras
- Paulsen, Vern - Operator algebras, operator theory, frame theory, reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces, quantum computation, and quantum information theory
- Radjavi, Heydar - Operator theory and linear algebra
- Spronk, Nico - Abstract harmonic analysis
- Tatarko, Kateryna - Geometric functional analysis, convex geometry and probability, random matrix theory