Year 1
Fall (Year 1)
- Courses: RE/RS 700 + elective (s)
- In consultation with supervisory committee, work on dissertation project proposal in order to apply for external funding. Applications for external funding are required in order to retain internal scholarships.
- Language(s) Study
- TA
Winter (Year 1)
- Courses: RE/RS 710 + elective(s)
- In consultation with supervisory committee, develop and refine dissertation project proposal
- Language(s) study
- TA
- File PhD Progress Report by end of April
- Study for General Comprehensive Exam
Spring-Summer (Year 1)
- If necessary, continue coursework
- Discuss preliminary draft of dissertation project proposal, along with the language proposal,with supervisory committee and director
- Language(s) study and/or exam
- Study for General Comprehensive Exam
Year 2
Fall (Year 2)
- Study for General Comprehensive Exam
- Take General Comprehensive Exam (approximate date: mid-November)
- LAURIER STUDENTS: Register for RE 800 until you pass the General Exam
- Language(s) study, if necessary
- TA
Winter (Year 2)
- Study for and take Field Exam (approximate date: mid-May)
- LAURIER STUDENTS: Register for RE 801 until you pass the Field Exam
- TA
- File PhD Progress Report by end of April
- Consult with supervisory committee regarding dissertation proposal
Spring-Summer (Year 3)
- Oral presentation of dissertation proposal (approximate date: mid-June)
- Submit final draft of dissertation project and language proposal by first Friday in August
- Submit fieldwork component of research project to university ethics committee, if necessary to begin dissertation research in the Fall
Year 3
Fall (Year 3)
- Dissertation research
- Course work, language examinations, comprehensives, oral presentation of the dissertation proposal, and final dissertation approval must be completed successfully before dissertation writing will be authorized.
- LAURIER STUDENTS: Register for RE 899 (Doctoral Dissertation) each semester until graduation
- TA (unless away engaged in field research)
- Take non-credit course in teaching (optional)
Winter (Year 3)
- Dissertation research
- LAURIER STUDENTS: Register for RE 899 (Doctoral Dissertation) each semester until graduation
- TA (unless away engaged in field research)
- Take non-credit course in teaching (optional)
- Consult with supervisory committee by end of May
Spring-Summer (Year 3)
Dissertation research and writing
Year 4
Fall (Year 4)
- Dissertation writing
- TA or part-time teaching of one course (expected but not required)
- Public presentation (as scheduled by the director). You may do the public presentation at any time towards the end of your program. It must be completed at the very latest by the end of the term in which you defend your dissertation.
- LAURIER STUDENTS: Register for RE 898
Winter (Year 4)
- Dissertation writing
- TA or part-time teaching of one course (expected but not required)
- If not graduating, meet with supervisory committee by end of May
Spring-Summer (Year 4)
- Dissertation defense (as scheduled by Graduate Studies)
- Graduation (June, as scheduled by Registrar)