Policy spheres
There are three broad areas that are integral to accommodation review processes, and although not distinct from one another, they are often treated as such. These include the accommodation review process itself, urban planning theory and practice, and public participation theory and practice.

The focus of our research lies at the intersection of these three areas. We believe that there is potential within accommodation review processes and associated policies to achieve a more equitable and fair procedure and outcome for all stakeholders. By considering the three interconnected spheres above, it should be possible to achieve a more holistic and balanced decision making process when considering school closures.
Geographic perspective
School closures are not unique to Canada. In fact, school closures take place around North America, in Europe, and beyond. There is a dearth of research on this topic despite the significant implications that such decisions have for the long-term resilience and well-being of the urban and rural communities where this occurs. Accordingly, we seek to develop an international perspective on these issues by providing a platform for exploration and discussion of these issues. We will provide access to relevant resources such as, academic publications, reports, media, and external links on this website.