2014 ARC catalogue

2014 data


As of January 2014, there were a total of 158 pupil accommodation reviews (ARCs) occurring across the 72 district school boards in Ontario. Of this total, approximately 122 are being conducted by English boards (.pdf) boards; 33 by the English catholic (.pdf) boards; and the remaining three by French catholic (.pdf) boards. Note that the French Public District School Boards are not currently conducting any accommodation reviews. There is also a stark difference between elementary and secondary schools undergoing accommodation review processes. Of the 158 total ARCs in the province, there are 118 (75%) elementary schools under review, and 40 (25%) secondary schools.

2014 ARC Catalogues

School Closure Policy Research has tabulated accommodation review inventories for each of the four district school boards in Ontario. To access the inventories, click the school board that you are interested in below:

2014 ARC Maps

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