- Have a say in how your money is being used!
- Help improve the quality of science labs!
- Great experience for your resume!
Take a look at how you can get involved:
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors (BoD) meets 3-4 times per term to discuss maintenance and promotion of WatSEF. The BoD also holds a yearly meeting, open to all students, where all student attendees are able to vote on what equipment to buy with that year's funds.
- WatSEF Executive Director (Chair)
- WatSEF Assistant Executive Director
- Science Society President or delegate
- Optometry Student Society President
- Society of Pharmacy Students President
- Three Science Alumni
- Nine student reps - One from each department/School, and two non-departmental programs reps plus members at large
- Dean of Science (ex-officio)
- Faculty of Science Foundation Executive Director (ex-officio)
Executive/Assistant Director Positions:
Term - preferably 24 months, 12 acceptable.
Liaison with Dean of Science Administrative Assistant and Financial Services reps regarding Endowment principal and monies available for distribution.
Appoint 9 students as members of the Funding Council (in conjunction with the Board of Directors).
Executive Director chairs and informs the departments of decisions regarding purchases.
Plan (Agenda), hold and chair 3-4 meetings each term for Fall & Winter.
Delegate or undertake tasks involved with the proper management of the Fund.
Executive Assistant Director Position:
- Assist the Exec. Director and Assist. Director in the management of the Fund.
- May be responsible for areas such as Publicity, Updating Displays, Organizing events, Publications, Web-site renewal, etc.
- Must attend 2 meetings each term for Fall & Winter.
- Vote regarding departmental purchases.