Val Fajardo


Val Fajardo
Val’s research focus is on the role of Ca2+ regulation, at the level of the sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ pump, on skeletal muscle health and disease.   

Val Fajardo completed his BSc (Hons) in biomedical sciences followed by an MSc degree in Health Sciences with Professor Paul LeBlanc at Brock University where he focused on membrane lipids and their implications on overall muscle health. During his time as an MSc student, Val Fajardo travelled to work with Professor Graham Lamb and Professor Robyn Murphy from LaTrobe University in Melbourne, Australia to learn a variety of techniques pertaining to single muscle fibre analysis. Currently, Val Fajardo is a 4th year PhD Candidate at the University of Waterloo and is the recipient of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research Doctoral Award.