
Located within the School of Optometry and Vision Science's Optometry Clinic, the Low Vision Clinic provides a comprehensive range of vision rehabilitation services, including:
- assessment, prescription, instruction and rehabilitation
- information and referral for medical, social, educational, vocational and financial services
- liaison with applicable government programs and services, and groups serving the low vision population
- consultation with and referral to other specialty clinics within the School of Optometry and to community services
- basic and clinical research into various aspects of low vision
We can help!
To learn more about what we can do to help you. Watch or listen to our introductory video.
Appointments are required
Appointments can be booked directly by people with low vision or their advocates. Referrals are also accepted from ophthalmologists, optometrists, other rehabilitation professionals, or specialist teachers. Before an appointment is finalized, people will be asked to provide some preliminary background information to ensure that all of the necessary equipment, services and personnel are available for the patient’s visit. For more information, call the Clinic at (519) 888-4708 or e-mail lvclinic@uwaterloo.ca.
Eligibility for low vision rehabilitation services
The George & Judy Woo Centre for Sight Enhancement has no fundamental eligibility criteria for its service provisions. Low vision services are provided in an inclusive environment to anyone who has a functional visual impairment that cannot be corrected by routine medical/surgical intervention or by conventional refraction.
Counselling Internships - Practicum placement applications for the 2025/26 academic year are open from January 6 - February 21, 2025
Optometry Clinic – Master level supervision program, unpaid
Generous Donation
The Centre for Sight Enhancement will be renamed the George & Judy Woo Centre for Sight Enhancement in celebration of George (OD ’64, DSc ’19) and Judy Woo's generous donation to the Seeing Beyond 2020 campaign.
Dr. George Woo (OD ’64, DSc ’19) co-founded the Low Vision Clinic in 1974 and was the founding director of the Centre for Sight Enhancement.
Read more about how the donation is helping people see.