Frequently asked questions


“Why is Waterloo going smoke-free?”

Going smoke-free, solidifies our commitment to ensuring a healthy work and learning environment for all members of our campus community, including students, faculty, staff, and visitors. Over 75% of universities and colleges in Canada have gone smoke-free since 2017.

“Does this smoke-free environment include all University of Waterloo campuses and property?”

Yes, all University property, including the Waterloo, Kitchener, Cambridge, and Stratford campuses, will begin transitioning to a smoke-free environment as of July 1, 2024.

"Was the campus community engaged?" 

We recognized that effectively transitioning to a smoke-free campus would only be successful if a high level of engagement took place with the campus community.  Students, faculty, and staff groups were engaged in feedback activities to inform the development of the policy and the implementation plan.

Groups engaged included (but were not limited to): 

  • Affiliated and Federated Institutions of Waterloo (AFIW), including:
    • Conrad Grebel University College
    • Renison University College 
    • St. Jerome's University
    • United College (formerly St. Paul’s University College) 
  • Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE)
  • Graduate Student Association University of Waterloo 
  • Graduate Student Relations Committee
  • Faculty Relations Committee
  • Indigenous Employee Resource Group
  • Leadership Forum
  • Office of Indigenous Relations 
  • Staff Relations Committee
  • Waterloo Undergraduate Student Association (WUSA)

“What does Smoke-Free mean? Does it include all tobacco products?”

The University prohibits the smoking of cannabis, tobacco or other products that produce smoke and/or vapour on University Property, as well as the use of Tobacco Products.

The sale, distribution and promotion of tobacco and cannabis products is strictly banned on University Property. The cultivation of tobacco or cannabis is prohibited on University Property except for research purposes and then, only with proper approvals in place.
* Please review the policy for a list of definitions and a list of tobacco products. 

“Does the policy include Indigenous traditional and sacred medicines and practices?”

The use of tobacco for traditional Indigenous cultural or spiritual smudging ceremonies is protected in the Ontario Human Rights Code and will be exempt from any changes to this policy.

“What if I need to smoke cannabis for medical reasons?”

The use of cannabis for medical reasons may occur only with appropriate documentation provided to the University (AccessAbility services for students and Occupational Health for employees). Each area will work with you to develop an individualized accommodation plan to address your needs.

Further Reading:

“What if I am concerned about my safety if I have to leave the campus to smoke, especially in the evening or night?”

The safety of our campus community members is continually a top priority. Therefore, everyone is encouraged to take the necessary steps to protect themselves when they are leaving campus at night, such as bringing a friend or colleague, letting others know your whereabouts, and to always be aware of their surroundings. We recommend the use of the safety and emergency resources available on WatSAFE to familiarize yourself with the University of Waterloo's emergency procedures, and to take an active role in your personal safety and security.

"What about the Affiliated and Federated Institutions of Waterloo (AFIW)?"

The Affiliated and Federated Institutions of Waterloo (AFIW) operate autonomously on institutional affairs, such as policy development. If you are visiting an AFIW, please connect with each individual institution regarding their specific policies on smoking.


Where can I smoke?

“Will the University provide designated smoking areas?”

The purpose of Policy 29 – Smoke-Free Campus is to provide a safe and healthy environment for the University’s students, employees and visitors.  There may in some circumstances be other issues involving health and safety that need to be balanced against the measure of providing a smoke-free environment.  Because of this, the University will provide designated smoking areas during a transition period from July 1, 2024 to April 30, 2025.  The purpose of the designated smoking areas will be to provide an opportunity for University Property users to adjust to the general prohibition against smoking and/or for the University to identify and address campus-specific impacts on the health and safety of the general prohibition against smoking.

Transitional arrangements will be in accordance with the following:

  • designated smoking areas will be outdoors, and not within 15 metres of University buildings; and
  • designated smoking areas will comply with applicable provincial and municipal requirements.

For clarity, the Guideline for the Transition to a Smoke-Free Campus applies to all University Property, including non-campus property owned and/or under the operational control of the University.  The Vice-President, Administration and Finance has the authority to develop designated smoking areas as described in this guideline.

Learn more about where you can smoke on or near University of Waterloo property.


Resources for quitting smoking

 “Where do I go for support if I am interested in quitting?”

There are some smoking cessation resources to support for students and employees in quitting smoking, should you choose. There are also resources specific to the Indigenous community. 



"How will the policy be enforced?"

The University will primarily enforce the Policy through education and by offering cessation support services to individuals who wish to quit their use of cannabis, tobacco or other smoking products.

Members of the University community can report policy violations to the University Special Constable Service, who will assist with education and enforcement through the use of proactive and complaint-based notifications and warnings and who have the authority to ticket individuals found in violation.

Individuals found to be in violation of this Policy may face*:

  1. verbal warnings and educational interventions;
  2. for persistent violations, the issuance of a ticket;
  3. referrals for consideration of further discipline.

* Please review the policy for additional information on enforcement.

"What should I do If I see someone smoking or vaping on campus?"

As our community adjusts to the smoke-free policy, education is crucial. Many new students, employees, as well as visitors and guests, may not know that our campus is smoke-free. If comfortable, you can approach the individual(s) respectfully and politely, offering them some directions as to where they can smoke, such as city sidewalks off-campus. Until April 30, 2025, there are designated smoking areas (DSAs) on the main campus.  

These can be difficult conversations; If you are unsure what to say, the following are some tips to guide you:

  • Adapting to the policy can be difficult for some members of the campus community. Approach the person without judging them, treating them with consideration and kindness.
  • Always assume that the individual is unaware of the University's smoke-free campus or is unfamiliar with the provisions of the policy.
  • Introduce yourself and politely let them know that the University is a smoke-free campus, pointing out any signage that may be visible.
  • Respectfully point them to the closest place (e.g., city sidewalk or DSAs) where they can smoke/vape, and request the individual refrain from smoking/vaping outside those spots. 
  • Encourage them to visit the Smoke-Free Waterloo website for more information.

If you are not comfortable, or see frequent smoking in a specific area, you can share the information with Special Constables.

Should you have suggestions for signage to be added or increased monitoring of certain areas of campus, please e-mail