Graduate student opportunities

In the Spafford laboratory, we examine voltage-gated cation channels including calcium and sodium channels and NALCN.

Calcium channels participate in brain functions, such as synaptic transmission, neuronal plasticity, patterned nerve activity underlying rhythmic behaviours, outgrowth of neurons and synapse formation.

Sodium channels play an essential role in generating action potentials. Action potenials propogate along nerve axons and is central to communication between neurons in the brain.

NALCN is an orphan ion channel that have similarities to both calcium and sodium channels, and has association with generating rhythmic output in the brain.

Lab trainees are exposed to multidisciplinary research that spans molecular physiology and biophysics, to cell and integrative physiology underlying animal behaviour. Students have access to techniques in electrophysiology as well as in molecular and cell biology, protein biochemistry, fluorescence microscopy and tissue culture.

- actively seeking graduate students -

submit CV and unofficial transcripts by email to: David Spafford