Religious Studies

We explore the world’s religions from a variety of perspectives, including their intersection with politics, economics, and social development. Our professors are particularly interested in how religion participates in modern questions regarding politics and social justice, peace-making and international relations, the ecological crisis, social values, sexual ethics, theology, and popular culture.

Religious Studies at St. Jerome’s University extends far beyond campus. Our Religious Studies faculty are actively involved in a number of service-learning programs, such as our Beyond Borders Program, which provides students with university credit for integrating an international work placement with their academic study.

Classes are open to all students who wish to investigate the “big” questions of life; professors specialize in contemporary Christianity and Roman Catholicism, but also teach Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Judaism, Islam, and other faiths.

Religious Studies undergraduate studies

St. Jerome's University's Department of Religious Studies features Three-Year General, Four-Year General, Honours Religious Studies (Arts and Business Co-op and Regular), Honours Double Major, Specializations, Minor and Catholic Studies Minor options. Our academically registered students are co-registered in the Faculty of Arts and obtain their degree from the University of Waterloo.

The courses offered by the St. Jerome's Religious Studies department are listed below.

For more information on academic plans please visit Religious Studies on the Programs and Plans section of the Undergraduate Studies Academic Calendar.

Religious Studies graduate studies

The faculty of the Religious Studies Department are active in two graduate programs. At St. Jerome's University we form the core faculty of the Master of Catholic Thought program. A number of our faculty are also active participants in the Laurier-Waterloo Joint PhD Program in Religious Diversity in North America. For areas of graduate supervision please see our faculty's profile pages.


Scott Kline, Associate Professor

David Seljak, Professor

Andrew Stumpf, Lecturer

Contract academic staff

Faculty Emeriti


The following courses are offered at St. Jerome's University in the 2024-2025 academic year.

Fall 2024

Course Course title Campus Instructor
RS 121 Evil STJ Seljak
RS 285/ERS 294 Religion and Ecology STJ Vanin
RS 291 Special Topics: SJU in Peru STJ Vanin

Winter 2025

Course Course Title Campus Instructor
RS 121 Evil ONLNJ Kline
RS 288/HHUM 288 Health, Medicine, and Spirituality STJ Kline

View the complete listing of RS courses in the Undergraduate Studies Academic Studies