Heather Debling

Contract Academic Staff

Department of English

MFA, University of British Columbia

BEd, University of Western Ontario

MA, McMaster University

BA Honours, York University

P: 519-884-8111 x 28343

E: hdebling@uwaterloo.ca

Office: SH 2109


I am a fiction writer and playwright based in Stratford, Ontario. My fiction has appeared in The New Quarterly, Agnes and True, The Antigonish Review, and Room. My short story “Don’t Sweetheart Me” was the grand prize winner of Tulip Tree Press’ 2021 Stories That Need to Be Told contest. I hold an MFA in Creative Writing from the University of British Columbia and also completed Humber College's Creative Writing by Correspondence Program, earning a letter of distinction. 

Courses taught

ENGL 336: Creative Writing 2